Platform: =PlayStation 5=
Issue Type: =Graphics= =disconnects=
Game Mode: =ONLINE=
Server Type: PvE/PvP
Map: =Exiles=
Server Name: =All public=
Since the Chapter 3 release, the PS5 experience is shocking. The QoL patch pre Chapter 3 fixed so many issues and I was so grateful for that. However, Chapter 3 pretty much undid all of them. We’re approaching 2 months since release, every time I play, I experience:
Frequent game crashes. While numerous actions cause it, I especially notice it if I am running and try to access a bench, chest or personal inventory. Also noticed it coming through teleports. Crashes about 1 in 5 times. Game will without fail crash at least six times in an hour long session. This is utterly unacceptable. I have sent dozens and dozens of crash reports to Sony.
Server disconnects frequently happen. Usually at least once in a hour long session.
Terrain render issues. Terrain frequently loses all detail and switches between blurred and detailed. Conan Exiles - Terrain Render Issues - PS5 5/6/2023 - YouTube
Item and skin render issues. Items frequently lose detail and struggle to fully render. Conan Exiles - Skin Render Issues - PS5 5/6/2023 - YouTube
Armor render details in the bazaar. No details show in the bazaar for armor. This is consistent every time I access the bazaar, assuming it doesn’t crash. Which leads me to…
Bazaar/Battlepass/Challenges. Game frequently crashes when accessing any of these screens.
Sound delays. Sound frequently fails to synch up with combat actions.
Chest contents consistently change views when opening.
Random decay timers on items inside your base.
Game crashes in dungeons. If too many NPC’s shows up, game crashes. Which is especially delightful in Warmakers. I’m to the point where I’ve stopped running dungeons as 9 times out of 10 they crash.
Playing a two hour session, I will experience most, if not all of these issues. The stability is awful at the moment, and judging by the absolute silence since March 14th, it’s increasingly looking like Funcom has abandoned the PS version. Are any of these fixes on their radar?