Help. Players stop playing due to technical issues

Hello @viniciusabner, if you suspect that the server has been under DDoS attack, we’ll need to know the exact time when the attack occurred so that we can reach out to G-Portal for them to look into the matter.

If you suspect you’re experiencing a DoS or DDoS attack, try performing a complete reset of your router by turning off its power for up to 10 minutes, which will increase the likelihood that you will get a new IP address that the attacker will not have access to.

You should also set your profiles to private and avoid accepting group chat invitations from strangers in order to safeguard yourself from platform-specific vulnerabilities.

If this persists, please reach out to your ISP for further assistance as we’re unable to determine the identity or prevent DoS and DDoS attacks because they happen through the IP address of the attacked device.

Lastly, if you want to report the suspected players, please follow our guidelines below:

To report players you must reach out to us privately, as indicated in our guidelines: