Or horse has one less carrying slot. XD
the fact of the matter is that yesterday the horse’s penis was normal. If I had noticed right away that everything was not simple there, I would have removed this mutant. I am now ashamed to appear on it in public. I tried to cut it off with a sword, but it doesn’t work. So it’s not from birth.
personally, I have this horse has outstanding parameters. 4880 hp, not to be confused with horsepower. 25 strength, about 20 everything else except accuracy. At the expense of accuracy is a little offensive.
I am fascinated by the amount of detail in your note taking on horse penis’.
They said:“PENIS!”… hihihihihihi
can you say that you even fell in love with a horse’s penis?
No, you don’t. During my latest playthrough, I haven’t even crafted a single potion of endowment and I’ve raised two horses so far. Both are undeniably stallions and both have occasionally been rendered like in @Red_Baron’s screenshot.
I don’t have a repro for this, because I don’t care enough to go looking for it. Personally, I can’t really identify with people who are bothered by the sight of a dangling horse penis, but are completely fine with decapitating humans, cutting off their hands or feet, or cutting them in half.
Let’s hope this doesn’t get taken out of context.
pathetic, taking a female is stop playing the prudish.
What ain’t no country I ever heard of
(sorry, couldn’t help myself)
Well, Itlest your Horse is Armed. =p (maybe tongue out is wrong one to use…)
I’ve had few horses, who after placing, would under go a sex change. Usually within few moments of placing.
Online Private or Official. I’ve seen some stuff take abit to cycle thru servers.
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