Game mode: Online Public Server Type of issue: Performance/Bug Server type: PVE Region: USA
Horses and Thralls are staying entirely way too close to player avatar during combat. This leads to massive issues when attempting to dodge things in combat.
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
Set your horse to follow you.
Set a thrall to follow you.
Go fight something that you need to dodge attacks to be able to kill with ease.
Get murdered because your horse is all up in your business the entire time.
Horses are really buggy. I sometimes get stuck between the horse and a hill if I get off the horse because horse is too close all the time. It also hinderers the view if I get off the horse and try to collect plants with sickle. Sickle ends up hurting him. Also thrall is very close to horse and I cannot properly get back on the horse, because E button selects the thrall. I manaded to jump and unstuck though. Horses also get stuck on the hill position tilted and if they are on leveled land again, their back or front legs are sunk in the ground minutes at a time leaving them look really odd and funny.
I am confirming this bug. The horse also simply would always get in my way if I was fighting an NPC. I literally could not fight an NPC because the horse was always between me and the NPC no matter how I moved or dodged around forcing me to almost kill the horse just to do damage to the NPC. This bug has severely limited the use of horses.
You’ve been aware of the issue since you added the animals. This is not something that only players should have noticed, your devs should know this is an issue since they first tested it. How is it that this hasn’t been fixed yet? We shouldn’t have to wait weeks or months for an update to fix such a horrible problem. Or even worse, this better not fall off the to do list like so many other bugs. Example, fix the flying glitchy rhinos or the fact that I can do so much damage with a truncheon that I kill the thrall long before knocking them out.
When farming, its nice to have the horse that close, makes my backpack easy to access.
@Ignasi, if i may suggest, would be great if we could choose how far the pet will follow us. Sometimes close is good, other would be better if it stays as far as possible.
Since Follower II they ARE actually closer now than before. And by closer I don’t mean that in the convenient way, because every time I’m farming with a thrall, pet or mount, my follower is literally in my face, intercepting half of my hits.
I don’t get why people claim that this distance is completely okay, when 90% of the time I have a horse’s head clip into my character. I take one single slight step and my follower catches up to immediately clip into me again.
Even before the update, horses tried to “swap positions” with the enemy when attempting to attack, infinitely moving into the enemy, while spinning and effectively doing nothing.
I also have this problem. Sometimes, my character gets stuck, because Thrall is practically stuck together, not giving enough space for my character to move. The solution I created is to take Thrall and relocate it to another location, freeing up space. Another problem is that if Thrall is too close, when I go to access a chest or get items from a dead npc, Thrall’s command table appears. It also gets in the way. In addition, it is clear from the proximity of combat, where Thrall is also reaching for my character, and ends up losing life.