Pets and thralls following too close

Game mode: [Online | Singleplayer]
Problem: [Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc]

Since the last update, thralls and pets are following too close, my bow has been rendered useless because thrall (Greater Bear) is on top of me,and gets hit with arrow. When harvesting wood/ore/animal my thrall takes damage. Is there no way to set the following distance further away?

Steps on how to reproduce issue:


WAAAY too close. Like I can tell when my thrall ate for dinner close.


Yes the change in AI was to remove personal boundaries. No more social distancing in the exiles lands! Seriously though, in more than one occasion my greater bear gets so close to me he actually clips into me and I can’t move. I have to crouch to get out of him and move away.


They follow very very very very close and dont respect the personal space of the players (:open_mouth: ). Reallly, is hard farming with the horse pushing my back and to fight is a nighmare, because the horse block your moves and dodges. And the Horses dont fight now! They just watch and disturb when you are fighting!!! its very bad.


I could not try the new patch due to it’s massive dimension (27 GB), but I’m not surprised at all: new patch, new issues that you have to wait one month to get fixed
and have new bugs in the meantime.
Stop, I think I do not hate myself this much to play again.

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Yes - I’ve noticed this too. One other unintended consequence of having thralls follow so close is losing them to long elevator rides again, an issue that was fixed a while ago but unfortunately has now returned. As you ride the elevator up, the thrall will try to teleport to catch up with you and instead teleport midair and fall to their deaths. I just had a clan mate quit the game because his favorite personal thrall died to fall damage while he was riding the elevator to get into our base.


Same problem here the Thrall’s get so close that on 3-5 times now i been locked in position unable to move and finally found that I can squat and get free sometime’s


We thought thralls, especially horses, were a problem in the house due to door blocks. Now it’s a no horses following in the house rule. I got stuck inside my horse 3 times trying to go up 1 set of stairs. Personal space! Not to mention they seem to be hiding in the foundations and cliffs more. Why are there feet at the bottom of this cliff, oh wait that’s my horses front hooves. Oh look there’s a horse head stickin out of the bar room floor… lol just no!


You know I noticed things in the ground more now too we just had a purge last night and 80% or more of the purge was below our house. Even things that was not below our house appeared there before we could attack it. Last thing we had to fight was a dragon and as we was attacking it disappeared and reappeared below our house.


This is very needed for PS4 multiple times my thrall have had to be fired just so i didn’t have to remove my bracelet. You don’t have to add a setting just make the standard follower distance 15 meters. Then make it so you cant kick your thrall and it will stagger and move in any direction available and stay there. There should also be a quality of life update for consoles the placement arrow mod needs to be an added feature. Building is 50% of the game and I’m sure most of the the paying player who bought all the DLC’s would like the ability to build with less restriction and caution as some building pieces don’t even have indicators of the right way to build. Adding the search options in the building pieces or items like it is in PC already also adding a un-wield button like holding the jump button returns you to a standing pose instead of selecting and re-selecting a tool or weapon.

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Haha yeah I get to look at my horse’s butt way too much now. I dismount and walk a few feet and then the horse trots right behind me blocking the screen.

Or if I turn around he’s there trying to scare me!
It’s like a dog so happy to see me after I come back home from work :smiley:

Haha yes and fighting. I had to keep side stepping just to keep the horse from blocking the screen


Going out with my elephant or rhino is impossible now. Since they are constantly impaling me with their big horns i can’t do anything usefull like gathering resources or shoot an arrow, or even see. With a normal thrall its mangeable but very annoying.


I am trying to understand how this made it into the patch without being addressed. After a few seconds of trying the new follower system out, which the rest of it I love, I realized how annoying that was. It makes me wonder what the point of test servers is if that was so easily missed or just wasn’t bothered with. I love the game and hate comparing to others but please just look at Ark and some of their pet systems/commands. Please implement follower distance into the behavior system and you can just combine chase/attack distance to make room for follower distance because those two should be the same anyways. Anyways that is my little rant for the day. Keep up the good work and stay safe :slight_smile:.

p.s. While you are at it could you add a continue/play on the last server as well so I don’t have to keep going into the server menu and loading up the entire list before changing to favorites just to choose the same server I always play on. TYVM


Was out Gathering had my horse and elephant since both of them decide to stand on top of me I got sandwiched between both of them and since your command to tell one of them to move will not work nor will the follow distance work I had to remove the bracelet kill my character and run all the way back. PlayStation 4… how to get the bug to happen… have something follow you

I’ve twice had to remove my bracelet because my horse pinches me against a wall or rock or SOMETHING and I can’t move. It won’t respond to commands to move. It’s incredibly annoying. I can’t see anything when I’m just out farming mats because it gets so close. It’s also fun when you run into three demon shalebacks along the river within like 10 meters of each other and you cant see them at first because you’re inside your horse’s body.

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I know what you mean. It looks like the camera is mounted on the horses saddle, and his head blocks half the shot.

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Hello @The_gamer00600, this issue is being addressed in an upcoming hotfix which will be released very soon.


Hello everyone! I’ve been playing since may7 with the horse and capturing thralls only for the workstations! I started treating the horse as a actual mount! I hop on, i travel, i fight horseback, i dismount, give the order to stop following, finish my business on foot! Then load the horse, mount it, take the inconscient thrall on the rope, ride home full off bounty! Oh gourious day! Its been fun!

Off course that if you need to go to a dungeon or take a big village! You should take a friend, player, thrall or pet! Cause every enemy on that place will come for you at the same time! But i like it! Chalenging, and full off blood! Its a Conan Game, by Crom!

I restarted my game from scratch, and like you ( @OaknStone ), I have used my mounts in the same matter. As well, for the most part I don’t bring a thrall with me on raids. The experience is…EPIC. :slight_smile: