For those of you hosting a server for Siptah, @Toolguy is still working on an update for the tool to allow for a dropdown menu. Until then, add this to engine.ini [/Script/EngineSettings.GameMapsSettings] ServerDefaultMap=/Game/DLC_EXT/DLC_Siptah/Maps/DLC_Isle_of_Siptah
Also there will be an update tomorrow or Friday with the proper backup of the Siptah game db, at the moment only the main map game.db is backed up.
Keep an eye on updates for the dedicated server launch tool here:
We’ll also update this thread to inform of any progress.
16.09.2020. Dedicated Server Launcher updated to version 1.2.3.
Dedicated Server Launcher updated to version 1.2.3. This version should now properly handle the Siptah game database when doing backups.
17.09.2020. Dedicated Server Launcher updated to version 1.2.4
Dedicated Server Launcher 1.2.4: - Fixed an issue with the ini file parser which would not properly remove duplicate entries in the ini files - Added a new “Errors” tab, which only lists the server log lines containing the “:Error:” pattern - Added a new “Players” tab, which only lists the server log lines containing the “Join succeeded” or “ChatWindow:” patterns - Added alternative tooltip description for the log output depending on which tab is selected - The currently running map name is now displayed in the title bar - Found out that the crash reporting did not work: Neither the log file or crash dump were sent, hopefully should work now
Server network ports used when hosting a dedicated server:
7777 (UDP) - All platforms
Game port: Main game port.
Default value: 7777
Config file: Engine.ini , section: “[URL]” , entry: “Port=7777”
Command line: “-Port=?”
7777 (TCP) - PC Servers only
Mod download: Port used to send mods to game clients. This port is opened on demand when client requests a transfer.
Default value: 0 (offset added to the game port)
Config file: Engine.ini , section: “[/Script/ConanSandbox.SystemSettings]” , entry: “ModFileDownload.DownloadPortOffset=2”
7778 (UDP) - All platforms
Pinger: Pinger port used by server browser to determine server availability.
Hardcoded value: always game port +1, no way to change using command line/config file.
27015 (UDP) - PC Servers only
Server query: Dedicated server app does not use Steam anymore.
Default value: 27015
Config file: Engine.ini , section: “[OnlineSubsystemNull]” , entry: “GameServerQueryPort=27015”.Section [OnlineSubsystemSteam] is deprecated and should be removed
Command line: “-QueryPort=?”