Hotfix for conan exiles

Would really be nice to get an update from you on the forums about a hotfix. Its been since friday and not heard anything. Please funcom give us an update on conan exiles issues.


some of the issues are going to be a bit more intensive than others. Wight horse dong is significantly easier to fix than anti-lagging optimizations or letting PVEC players connect. Also these fixes have to go through the console approval processes as well. If we get word by Thursday, they are lightning quick.

The main thing I want to know is if there is even a solution developed yet. It’s been 3 working days since launch so I’m not expecting world peace or anything…but at least maybe an serious idea being vetted?

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I don’t know, :man_shrugging: horse dong size can be extremely difficult to get right, plus getting dong sizes approved on console (at least on PS) is going to be a nightmare, in fact, it might never get approved. :joy: :joy: :joy:

In reality, Funcom is communicating with us more than they used to (which is welcomed), and like @erjoh said, the biggest problems need time to fix, it hasn’t even been a week yet. I am guessing they will be ready with a patch within the next 7-14 days, we just need to be patient.

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Give them 2 months. They need their time to push patches :smiley:


Having a stable version of the game on testlive.

funcom —> we should change some coding guys to optimise the game

players ----> not again! you broke your game 20x already


You never know, they might just make them even bigger somehow…


Some news on even IF a patch is being worked on would be nice, yes.

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They just gave us an update a few days ago with a list of known issues they are working on. You can not realistically expect them to notify us every couple of days on their progress, that’s not how game development works.

Regardless of what you might think, you are not part of the developing team and therefore there is no reason to update you until there is something to offer as an update, like a patch. It’s time for us to exercise a modicum of patience.

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Nah. Its time they started testing the game patches before they release them.

Game has been broken for a week. Modded servers can barely function.


That’s not how good business works either. Micro-managing, even on the customer side, shouldn’t be the norm.

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They already did!
Visit this topic to give your feedback about your issues if you wish

And you can read this post from our Community manager

When they have more they will probably let us know. It’s hotfix so they will probably work on weekends too like they always do in hotfix, so don’t be surprised if we receive it even in Sunday, it aint going to be the first time!


Hey that’s me! We have a hotfix scheduled for deployment later this week (barring any unforeseen problems), primarily addressing server performance/lag along with a handful of other things, like followers set to guarding doors not returning to their posts. I’m being purposefully vague on the date because I’d hate to promise an exact date and then find out something went wrong with deployment but the current plan is this Thursday, please don’t hurt me

We have at least one followup patch later on that will address more hot issues, although I don’t have more details on that one; we’ll keep you posted when it’s near release.


Question: why was not the live version tested on testlive? there wouldn’t be any unforseen issues than

@AndyB hurt you? You validated me.

Thanks for the heads up. Love the snakes. Still need to seriously play with the new building set but looking forward to it.

Oh and bring my undead pets back. No, I didn’t forget. (how about a fodder recipe for the zombies to look like the other undead models that are just sitting there in the code, un-monetized and wasting space…just saying)


We began work on the upcoming patch before the live version released, and an unfortunate reality of software development is sometimes unforeseen things happen even with testing. There’s also a big difference between knowing an issue exists and how to actually resolve the issue, and some solutions will take longer to develop than others - which is why sometimes a followup patch needs to happen. I’m not saying this is ideal, but this is where we’re at, and we’re working to address the issues brought up.


Thank you @AndyB. You’re right, it isn’t ideal, but in the real world, things happen, and often bad things too. But thank you for giving us an update as to what is planned. It goes someway to reassure us that things are going to get better.

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Wouldn’t dream of it AndyB, you are a treasure to us here on the forum.

Exactly. And hopefully more members will develop a greater awareness of this now. That aside, @AndyB thankyou so much for communicating this to us, I can not tell you how much we appreciate it!


I don’t get it?

So they knew the issues existed, knew they couldn’t fix it in time, but still launched the update anyway? I honestly can’t understand what benefit there is to doing that for anyone involved. The players 100% would have understood and if its about getting those pyramid sales in ASAP then just release that by itself.


They probably knew of issues but didn’t know the scope of how it would affect the official servers as much as it did. The Beta Live servers probably gave hope they could limp it along and just get an optimized patch out without it being too noticeable.

I would have pushed for release as well if there weren’t significant issues noticed in the Beta Live. What you are asking for isn’t reality with the complexity of this game. Perfection is a goal but can never be seen as the destination. That’s just living in denial and frustration.

I wasn’t expecting anything remotely close to “perfection”.