House and all ítems dissapear

Basic Info:
Platform: Xbox Series X
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 2704

Bug Description:
I play with my girlfriend about 5-6 month ago. we have our house in the south of map.

Last time we play we go to volcán and log out there. Last week i conect 1 min to check our pjs re ok in volcán. Today ( 14 days after i see my house) we finish the dungeon and come back to our house and not see anithing. Only the thraals. We lost all weapons, all items etc… please help us. We play a lot of hour to get it.

My gamertag is c e i falcon and the clan name is españa.

Thank you in andvance

Bug Reproduction:

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It could be that the decay timer kicked in when you were offline. Check your event logs, it’ll give you an idea of what happened

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Decay timers are 10 days.

Could you tell me how i can see the logs in Xbox?

I have loged in 7 days but not go to my house only join in the server and log out.

Screenshots from Playstation, but looks the same on Xbox:
first (after successful login):


last: press X (send)


@Falconlinama just logging into server does not refresh your bases across the map :unamused: Sorry to hear you lost your stuff.


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