How do I get my thralls to sit still now?

Been trying to reconfigure some of my thralls’ gear, so I ask them to either follow me, or stand guard, but they refuse to do either. And will just wander off until they find a chair to sit down on.
Is there a way to actually convince my thralls to stand still for 5 minutes so I can give them new armour and weapons or am I stuck herding cats?


Nope. When your crafter is following you and give him order to wait in a spot, he will.
If however this for some reason doesn’t work for you, then use a cauldron. Nobody walks away from cauldrons.




That is part of the lively thralls update, as is vanishing thralls.

had to spent 18 thrall slots to have empty benchs because they not stay on benches more than 2 seconds, now if we want someone working on it, we need to put a figther to work while the crafter wanders around. Actually i have liu fei on alchemy station (my liu fei is commpletely broken he does not attack aything), and freya at blacksmith lol. All crafters are locked in a room to avoid disapearing.

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All mine vanished.

Unless funcom has screwed up the decay timers.

Started a new game on PC. I have only one Crafter (Emberlight Herbalist). He is nowhere to be seen, but is still in the benches (ALL benches) and on the map…


Have you attempted amputating his legs? Might work. :woman_shrugging:

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Found him in admin mode. Standing inside the rocks by the Thrall Pot. Always hungry, it seems… :roll_eyes: