How to break Tablets of Power?

I have a bunch of Tablets of Power and want to turn them into many fragments.
It seems to me that I saw somewhere a way by which you can break the Tablet of Power into several Fragments.
But I can’t find how.
Does anyone know if this is possible?

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You don’t. There is no way to uncraft a tablet unless you have a mod for it


It’s a bit strange…
We constantly find fragments of Tablets and almost never see the whole Tablet.
It seems that these Tablets are very fragile, easily breakable things.
But we cannot break them.
Gluing the fragments together is possible. But there is no way to break it.
Something is wrong here…

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Trade them to others on the server. I would jump at a 3 fragments for 1 tablet deal if I started on a server.

When dealing with magical stuff, it’s real easy to justify things but the real solution is don’t mass manufacture these. If memory serves, you only need 11 tablets to learn all the knowledges you need.

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Thank you friend.
I can’t exchange it, I have a single player game.
Tablets of Power are generated in large quantities as a by-product as a result of one of the game mechanics of the Age of Calamitous mod. I no longer need them, but I felt sorry to throw them away. It seemed that there was a way to somehow utilize them in a useful direction. I guess I was wrong.
But it’s still interesting: if the Tablet of Power cannot be broken, then how do the developers imagine the process of forming Fragments of Power?

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I would say that instead of asking for a way to break them back into fragments (another pointless item after you max out), I would petition they can be used to level thralls. This change would make fragments useful always vs just useful until you are maxed out.

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Are fragments not used as materials for crafting some items?
Or was that archaic recipe this one remembers?

From Fragments of Power in my game I can create many interesting and useful things and even pets.
But your proposal is also reasonable and useful, I would support it. :+1:

Fragments - of course.

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There are still some recipes in the base game that require but a significant portion of them removed the requirement.

I mistakenly made a few extras once and just gave them away. If you have enough fragments on hand, there’s no need to stockpile more. After they changed most of the recipes that contained them, they’re pretty much all but excessive after a certain point. I honestly didn’t think many of the recipes needed to be modified. Sure, it made building and crafting a bit easier, but in turn made fragments practically useless.

They could count as treasure. Then we would have a reason to keep collecting fragments and making tablets.

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If you don’t have well over the amount of a level 10 purge’s worth of treasure by now, I’d be surprised. It’s pretty easy to acquire gold and silver at this point… so no, not even that would make them worth it.

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Good point, @jmk1999 . I would prefer more creative uses too, but I guess that would be better than nothing…

Fragments of Power are not broken Tablets any more than stones are broken foundation blocks.

They are just pieces of stone that have been imbued with secret knowledge, and when several of them are combined together, you are able to observe a larger amount of secret knowledge at once.

But their images say otherwise.

To be entirely fair, the images aren’t always reliable.
Look at Nemedian Heavy Armour, nice and blackened mail with dark green cloth.
Now put it on, it’s polished aluminum with avocado skirting.

Then there’s the Bec de Corbin.
It’s a clucking He-Man mace.
Meanwhile an actual crow’s beak
crow beak

There are several other examples where the images don’t match the description or function at all.
For example, the Bane of Khosatral Khel is explicitly described as a “scimitar” and a “crescent blade”.
Yet it’s pretty obvious that the image is a straight double edged broadsword.

That having been said…
This one agrees that it would be nice to either dismantle or just break the tablets. Especially as they can be hand crafted. Perhaps the dark magics of the fragments want to pull the selves back together?

[/Specific Response]
Why not let the tablet be a placeable?
Something to put on those lecturns and tablet stands.
We have placeable scrolls and sheets of parchment, tablets would be a good addition.

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Because they are a consumable. An item cannot be both a placeable and consumable, as the action to place it would consume it.

This one only ever used them from the inventory and forgot they could be put in the hot bar/radial wheel.

A herp,
A derp.


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