How to fix this error

Fatal error: [File:CAB\tech_exilestcode Engine\Source Runtime PakFile\ Private/Platf ormFilePak.cppl Line: 38611 Trailing magic number (0d) in *./…/ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Environment.pak" is different than the expected one. verify your installation. *

Hello! And welcome to the community!

I am sorry that you’re getting an error. This release has been a serious mess.

I am assuming that you have the title on the Steam platform. If that’s the case, find Conan Exiles in your library. Right click, and select properties. There, you should be able to go to the Installed Files tab, and click to “Verify integrity of game files.”

If that isn’t successful for you - you may find that you will need to uninstall and then reinstall the game from scratch.

Good luck.

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