How to report a clan that plays PVP in a PVE server?

i agree with PVE-PVE-C getting banned for claim trolling obbs and noob spawn area, as well as certain areas (brimstone,bosses, etc…).
PVP, outside of noob spawn line, should be left to warfare and server commitment.

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Just to add to my previous post, I only mean for PVE and only for things this blatant since its easy to make a call on and requires little time for an admin to make the right choice.

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On PvE Obilisks need to laser beam a direct path in and out if no walkable path is detected.

But usually when someone’s being a complete douchebag and there’s absolutely nobody left to witness them, they will quit in 2 months max. They are a bit like a cycle of nature. They “clear” a server so to speak, so that future generations might have a chance to start on a “fresh” server.

Securing obilisks is the first step in ensuring no douchebag cordons off entire swathes of land, because if there is only you and the douchebag left, you put the entire server on lockdown by crenelating the obilisks and building 6000 torches near the douchebags base (flood his RAM and crash him on load-in)

Connect your assault structures by tile umbilical so you can refresh everything just by logging on once. you won’t even have to move because tiles conduct the decay refresha cross all tiles connected across the entire map.

Basically: If someone’s a douche, be a downright N4zi. There’s no punishment for it. Only disadvantages if your being nice in such a situation.

But… my piece of wisdom: Play something else for awhile. Just refresh once every 5 days. They will get bored 2 months max.

Wage war with them, and it WILL drag on and on and on, and they’ll have a crush on you and be your perpetual neighbour.

I speak out of first hand experience…


True. My server had several people making giant walls, then immediately leaving. We’d then switch the server to pvp overnight and destroy their buildings with avatars, and switch it back.

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Not seeing much difference between walling off whole sections of the map like this vs. walling off just the starting zone. IMO this is worse since you’ve likely made a significant time investment on the server by the time you come across such a thing, especially now that the difficulty of PvE enemies has been increased significantly.


4 griefers skip forming a clan. They can Still work together, share resources, etc. They would each have 3 blocks, 12 total letting them block off most obalisks.

Look, people will find a way around any simple limitation.

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if they aren’t in a clan together, then there will be claim space (12 founds i think) between each build. so they wouldn’t be able to enclose.

But there is no size limit. So one person builds the wall around obalisk A, another around B, etc.

And it’s not like they can’t share loot. I am 99% sure on a PvE server, if you drop loot someone else can get it. So 3 guys make wall pieces, one lays them down. Switch people for each structure.

And all the suggestion was to limit people to 3 buildings, no limit on building size.

Not to mention such a suggestion may tick off people who solo and build many small caches. Also, how would it determine what us a building? Would aset of fish traps be a building? Would an outer wall if not connected to an inner keep?

I just think that any artificial limitation will be surmounted by people who truly want to cause grief.

I’m on the same servar, and it’s annoying walking arround draging a throll and have to avoid walls that cut the way, and/or prevent the spawn of NPC’s, animals, etc.

In a PVP server i would not mind, but this is a PVE server.

By the way, once, one member of the clan was talking sht about we where pusss for not playing PVP and he was going close the important areas of the map bla bla bla…

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Don’t play PvE again I guess…

Someone suggested to make VERY strong Purges marching to obelisks and other places of interest (narrow passes to another biomes, lorestones, recipe journals etc.) and breaking everything in their path. Someone suggested to make “fast-decay” zones around obelisks and another places of interest without resetting decay by visiting such an area. They could build what they like but everything would be destroyed by the game mechanics in PVE servers.


I think an admin should login and ban the responsible clan.
Because other players near of the obelisks are not bothering, they added map rooms, water, dancers, Etc.


What I’m saying is, the servers do not need a permanent administrator, the company should have some that deal with reports like this, they log in one day, ban the clan and end point.
It’s not much to ask, I could do it if they give me the passoword (I do not want it, it’s a way of saying it)


Agreed, the long-time players on my server (myself included) have all built taverns or rest stops with wells, dancers, maprooms, and sandstorm shelters adjacent to obelisks as a community service. They’re great for meeting up with others, trading gear, etc.

So just simply nuking anything near an obelisk isn’t a great approach, and the amount of coding needed to check if there’s a clear path is likely a lot of developer man hours that could be better used elsewhere. It’s probably a lot less expensive (in terms of man hours) to simply have an admin go in, verify the complaints, ban that clan’s players, and then issue a command to nuke all of that clan’s holdings (or maybe put it all immediately into grace period so that the people who were getting griefed have the satisfaction of demolishing and looting the structures).


This clan is a real nuisance, putting walls everywhere on the map

Mod edit: Remove Clan
CM´s could Still see the Name

Step one is to report them. But being pro-active when they start walling is just as important. When you see an area they are walling, start counter-buidling. Eventually FC will wise up and do what they did with the pirate ship. people used to build right at the ramp, so they added an NPC village. They could easily do that with the Obelisks. Also, reference the blackhand, try building on it, and you will find a 24 decay timer on anything you build there. There are solutions that Funcom can and will eventually produce, but I dont think they have a very high priority.


They are building a giant wall around the pirate ship now, black hand village will be blocked for all players in the server except their clan