Having created your own server for a local network or a single game, after drinking water or eating up to 100%, you will no longer starve and do not want to drink the whole game, how can I fix it so that I starve and want to drink even if I scored up to 100%
help please
Создав свой собственный сервер для локальной сети или одиночной игры, выпив воды или наевшись до 100%, вы больше не будете голодать и не захотите пить всю игру, как мне это исправить чтоб я голодовал и хотел пить даже если набрал до 100%
As I noticed, there will be hunger and thirst, but when you are full, it seems to last for a long time after which it starts to work, but it’s not cooking and not the complexity of the game, I remember before the update thirst and food, always fell so that later to eat and drink again