Hunger and thirst

Having created your own server for a local network or a single game, after drinking water or eating up to 100%, you will no longer starve and do not want to drink the whole game, how can I fix it so that I starve and want to drink even if I scored up to 100%

help please


Создав свой собственный сервер для локальной сети или одиночной игры, выпив воды или наевшись до 100%, вы больше не будете голодать и не захотите пить всю игру, как мне это исправить чтоб я голодовал и хотел пить даже если набрал до 100%

помогите пожалуйста

Did you use God mode in admin mode? This doesn’t set back automatically. You have to do it manually by yourself. So maybe…

I am not in the administration, I have no voting and thirst when I scored 100%

I want complexity, if this is not fixed, then the point will be to cook or drink

As I noticed, there will be hunger and thirst, but when you are full, it seems to last for a long time after which it starts to work, but it’s not cooking and not the complexity of the game, I remember before the update thirst and food, always fell so that later to eat and drink again

It’s not a bug and it’s not new.

They stay at 100 for ten minutes because you get a 5% bonus to your max life (hunger) and stamina (thirst) as long as they are full.


Funcom´s idea of a proper hunger and thrist system. :rofl:

As @Tephra explained, this is neither a bug nor new behavior. The game rewards you with a bonus for completely filling your thirst or hunger bar.

If you want more challenge, you can adjust the rate of hunger and thirst in the settings for your singleplayer game or your server.

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