So recently I played hardcore PVP and PVE-C on Conan Exiles and was spending way too much time on Official Servers… Was growing tired of the server issues from Official . I then bumped into an old raiding buddy from 1942 Server and was amazed by what a private server owner was getting accomplished!! He organized a PVP server with beautifully and strategic buildings to raid with the reward of 3 Vaults full of gear, potions, and recipes. No wipes, and with organized Raid times against opposing clan factions Wed, Fri, Sat, and Sundays that absolutely fit my schedule due to everyday work life. The Admin works from home and whenever I messaged him in Discord about an issue or stuck character. He was there within minutes to address it. His servers are Exiles with IOS map connected with portals . Which gave me more content to do and exchange materials between the 2 servers before Raid times!!! Absolutely Love This Server. It’s also a huge Community so the game is never dull … I’m officially done with official Servers!!
I can confirm this is a good server with lots of room for more clans. its a chill pvp culture without all the toxic official trash. if you have a small group that is learning the game or a larger group of vets this would be a good server to jump on.
The server is also set-up for when you first log in. Just type in /kit and you have one time access to acquiring a mount and saddle, plus 2k of Hardened Stone, Shaped Wood, Steel Reinforcements, and the best one is the Black Blood Tools set to help you level to 60 which took me less than a day
Admin is very active, even-handed, fast and reasonable in responding to issues on the servers. Servers are linked to provide access to both Isle of Siptah and Exiled Lands maps and items. Full loot PVP 24/7 but raid times are a lot less harrying since they are primarily centered around the weekends. Simple and sweet. The way it should be IMO
I just joined and people there were very helpful and nice. I think this is the PvP for people who are after years retired on PvE and tired of toxic official exploiters and other similar beings.
Kinda excited to have some fun in “hostile” environment for change
So we have an Economy now set up through Pippi Mod in which you build currency for time played. The Market NPC is by the Arena that will sale you building Materials , plus other fascinating items that you must play and see for yourself So come join the Action!
It sound really nice, if it wasn’t for the “PVP” thing. I have only had bad experiences in every single PVP server I have tried, probably because I am not very good at the game and I hate all the min-max necessary (so I usually go with what looks nicer or more fitting to the character, not the most optimal OP combo) to even survive and not be 100% of my playing time being murdered by a bunch of bullies. Do you have a PVE equivalent or know of some good PVE server? Thank you in any case.
the community on this server is everyone knows everybody… Its not a bunch of misfits just tearing down bases. if you do get raided we have moderators and an active admin that does help. But trust me, no one will attack your base unless you instigate it… Now if you get caught out in the open, then yea you will be in combat and if you lose or win. the reward is what you have on you
If your looking for a non toxic pvp environment? The community of players that have joined are indeed noble in the Combat Spectrum of this server. The Admin/Owner are always in Discord. The Raid events that we have on both maps have given Clans the means to build even bigger fortresses or strongholds. Plans in the making to build forward bases around the shattered springs area for Pvp Event nights. Come join us, see what the fuss is about …