Performance wise, menus and inventory tends work better. I find less spikes in game play. (Via ps4 HD versus WD black)
Something like summoning pit, is …loading assets. I’ll get hit by stuff that doesnt exist on a nomral HD.
All that went away when I got 1tbSSD.
New Asgard… is just the worst place in world. SSD, makes it really playable. (even then that place can be abit of FPS Dip… It beats blue screening ps4 when turning camera to fast to much. XD
Fallout 76. I’ve encountered almost no more instances of roaming map and being attacked…by nothing. Then after dieing, the game finally gets around to loading super mutants who were clubing me. XD
Watago, is still pretty pop-in heavy on a SSD.
Anyway…rambling… SSD are awesome, If i had known how life changing that external was gonna be, I wouldn’t have picked up the 2tb internal… --_–’ (which had a better rpm read rate(which didnt really help in end)
I enjoy opening my inventory and not waiting for icons to load… and the 10-20sec load times, I’m 1-2 mins ahead of others online when event starts. Its so nice. =p
About the only way any of that might happen on a PC or laptop is if it started using the system paging file (AKA Virtual Memory). It doesn’t matter the game - for any game that I know of.
Unless they care, no one ever knows which version of USB is on their PC. A simple arbiter is: do you have USB-C? If so, you at least support 5 Gbps, and at maximum 10-20 Gbps. At this point, the support person could easily make an assertion this is a 3.1 or higher USB spec PC, and delve deeper into the PC or issue. At 5 gigabits, Conan will run just fine, presuming there are no bus clogs.
Regardless of whether there’s a difference in the nomenclature, it is an easy and consumer-friendly way to “move to the next level” with the person or player being supported.
For me, I learned main difference do to how ps4 see’s the USB.
WD Black has a known issue, related to ps4. If you plug USB to slowly into ps4, it’ll read it as slower(low end usb) and cause the external to be to slow to be used for games. And wont let you register it as a external.
Plugging it in abit faster, and it’ll treat it as 3.0(or which ever it was) and BAM, works with no issues or errors. XD thats WD black came with)
Sadly a short one, so it sits next to ps4, =/