I have encountered some unknown bug or a third party. Can I report it?

2020-05-17T16:00:00Z Around 22:00 tonight
I have a few videos that can’t be uploaded. It seems that I want to authorize something. I don’t understand. Can I have a private chat?C:\Users\15198\Videos\Captures\这是什么?.mp4C:\Users\15198\Videos\Captures\Maintain green games1.mp4‪C:\Users\15198\Videos\Captures\Maintain green games.mp4

Without your IP address it’d be hard to view those, and with it I still wouldn’t know how to view them. Could you maybe upload them to youtube or a similar service and link to them there?

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The C:\Users path is on your personal computer’s hard drive. You don’t want to give people access to that.

As Perstyr suggests, upload them onto a third-party video site such as Youtube and link there.

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Better yet, if you believe them to be exploits, don’t post them to a public video site where people may learn to copy them.

Instead, send a pm to @Ignasi or @Hugo so they can look at them.

Thanks How to send a private message

This article should have the info you need.


Alternatively there should be a link in their profile page.

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