So here I was msging someone in private, and both being aussies, we lack respect for offence to swear words…
fork you can’t, is something you only say to a friend… or a flaming drongo,it’s like saying I love you moron, or yer a flaming drongo…
So I got censored for saying sht. But this was ok…
Not blaming Funcom, they don’t control the forum…
but really, without we’d all die constipated…
To stir the pot, I bet my next sentance will be accepted…
I once said, on another forum, that I could write a highly descriptive adult novel without ever blipping their automatic filter’s radar.
It’s not the words you use, it’s the intent behind them. But I’d rather not have a poorly trained AI trying to interpret my weird sense of humor on online forums to determine if it’s okay to let me post.
hehe, we are just making fun of the forum swear word filter. You can’t say a certain word, however there is an emoji for it. So kind of funny is all.
Honestly, the funniest ever saw was the word “cockpit” being censored on a game forum. I get why the word tripped the autocensor but the game was about giant robots and the key part you built your mech around was called the “cockpit” in game.
I think it’s about the relative ineptitude (and therefore hilariousness) of the swear filter in general, and in private messages in particular
Heh, a classic. Also when you can’t say certain words that are themselves completely innocent, but not allowed because they are the same as common misspellings of “bad words”. I ran into that myself, but I can’t remember if it was here or the Steam forums.
This forum wont let you use the name of one of the races in the game because there’s a curse word inside it: kush-ite
Also in the game, I tried to name one of my hyenas Larry and it censored me. Said I’m not allowed to use the word “iarry”. Must be from another language because I’ve never heard of that word and couldn’t find anything on Google
I certainly get the underlying sentiment. When trying to tell someone about an enemy missing from RE2 remake, I realsied that we are unable to say ‘cockroach’ on the Playstation network.
Now regarding this little guy right here, I didnt realise just how much mainstream popularity he had garnered. Just take a look at these tasteful products:
Lol yes … I was tempted to edit my post a second time to add more that would pass the forum censors (as we know some won’t)
… scary news about those deadly Dropbears … they haven’t migrated into our suburb yet … But this must be why so many houses have bars on their windows now