A number of people from PvE Server 1053 would like a backup of that server from 09/21/2023 sent to a private server via G-Portal, as a recent devwipe has negatively impacted much of the community there. I have been told this has been done in the past. How do I proceed with this request?
You were lied to. Funcom doesn’t give or sell copies of their database files to players, nor have they ever, for Conan Exiles anyway.
No not to me, to G-Portal.
Perhaps log an actual Zendesk ticket? (though as has already been replied to in your previous entry):
I’ve not seen instances where an Official server base has been copied to a private one, but that may just be me. Transferring a full database with all the player details therein may even breach some GDPR rules for example? Good luck. In the meantime, one would guess that you have already got that new prvate server working and most/all the server players have moved on over to it?
Yes, they were waiting for the transfer though. I was told by one of the people who plans to play there that this was done in the past when another server was merged. He suggested I try it given that a lot of other people on that server don’t want to play there now and it is a community type thing.
Also I did log a Zendesk ticket, but I have only gotten an automated response thus far.
Well, I wouldn’t hold my breath, but good luck with getting the servers base file.
I would always recommend any PvE stuff go directly to private servers from the get-go.
The case you mentioned is different, this is data transfer from an official server to another official server!.
He threatens to me that on private servers, you could manually activate the authorization to transfer characteristics on another server.
I don’t know how it works, but the option exists in private server parameters.
I suggest you contact G-Portal to see with them how it is happening, good luck
Transfers are disabled on private servers as well. They are only possible with a mod for private servers which are setup as cluster. The mod will not help here.
I agree that it is extremely unlikely for Funcom to share database with 3rd parties because the database contains information for thousands of accounts. In addition, if they do it for op, they have to do it for all.
My suggestion for op, get your private server up and running and start rebuilding. You are not going to get your pyramid back by waiting.
And with a private server you can Admin-boost all the current players on that server you have been playing on so they can regain (almost) everything they have lost. Load up PIPPI mod so you can even boost the levels, etc. In almost no time they would be back to where they would be. Yes, the created content, etc would need to be redone, but (for some) that is often what some players enjoy.
(I would be completely stunned if Funcom risked breaching GDPR and info-protection by releasing any official server content to a private platform - and if my data was somewhere in there, I would also be reaching for someone in Legal to do some checking)
No, he said it was sent to a private server and he explained G-Portal was how it was done.
I did on G-Portals side and they said that they couldn’t do that on their end, that Funcom would need to transfer the data instead first.
On Gportal private servers, can’t the server admin still access all of the game data? Isn’t Gportal just a hosting site with tools to make setting up a Conan server a little easier than doing it on your own server? I haven’t tried Gportal, because I prefer building my own server hardware.
Like Grymm keeps saying, I don’t think Funcomm can legally do that transfer, unless maybe every player from that server database signed forms giving permissions to do so. No chance of Funcomm going through all of that work to make a few players happy. The time and effort for such a process, as well as the expense to them (employees time is money and especially when legal is involved) is far greater than the loss of revenue they might see, should all of you just quit Conan for good.
At this point, just restarting on a fresh private server is the best suggestion I would offer. Grymm’s suggestion is a great one for quickly recovering and rebuilding, but if it were me, I would want to take it slow and enjoy the slower progression. I always love restarting a game fresh. Gives me a chance to try new base locations and designs.
Hopefully I don’t sound cold hearted with this post and I am really sorry your server has been such an issue. I started on an official PvE server when Conan first came out and all it took was a week away from the game to lose just about everything. After that I went private server and never looked back.
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