I think this game should have quests

I liked the world event, it was fun. Would love to see more of that stuff.

As for quests, I am not against the idea, so long as said quest was a proper quest, not some mindless: “go and fetch me five Gorilla heads as I can’t be bothered to do it myself” or something.
While I love the open sandbox aspect of this game, I think there is room for an actual well thought out quest where you get something half decent at the end of it. Especially (IMO) if it involves more lore from the world of Conan.

None of this handholding either, no markers…etc, none of that nonsense.
Something where people have to use their brains instead of having it all laid out for them. You want a reward? then you have to earn it.

EDIT: What about all these funky languages I keep learning? Why not create something around that? You find a scroll, but in order to read it you have to be able to translate it in the correct language for a start, and it could lead you to a kind of quest.


Let’s hope we can get working AI on vanilla too then :slight_smile:

It is working on Vanilla. Its just a map.

Online or offline?
Because the AI have a lot I mean a lot a lot of issues…

Both. Like I said, its just a map.

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Unfortunately they could have easily done this with the perks and most recipes. Exploring is the way to find the recipes (not rng drops) but finding the thrall/book. Like some of the cooking 9nes. And scatter them about based on tier. Lower tier easier and more places, higher tier in tough camps/dungeons. And they could have avoided the leveling trope by firing you all your attribute points, but locked the perks like religions where you learn for NPCs, again scattered around and you pay some kind of cost to he trained. You still have to spend the att points when you know it, but again, make it engaging, not just power level some experience to get.

So the AI is good enough to execute something like events?

I’m not so sure about it… basic attacks is something they often can’t even execute, for example while attacking a beast they often die before they even respond :confused:


That’s really not a thing today, though. Once someone has figured it out, we’ve all figured it out. The power of the wiki compels us.

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