I used to be able to maproom port with a leashed thrall - not anymore?

Hello community!

I used to be able to use a maproom teleport while pulling along a leashed thrall. This was super convenient as you could do your thralling in one location and hook them up on a wheel that was much further away.

I know for a fact that this was a feature that players had been clamoring for, and eventually Funcom was able to deliver and make this happen.

However - now it seems I cannot get this to work. I have tried porting multiple times, from different maprooms, and to different obelisk endpoints with a thrall on my chain. Each time, it appears that it has worked: the leash from my hand extends off into a far direction (this was how it appeared visibly in the past), I can actually see the thrall’s body and nametag for 2-3 seconds, and then suddenly the thrall is no longer leashed (the animation changes to where I am just holding an empty/loose binding).

Is anyone else observing that porting with leashed thralls is broken right now? If so, when did this break? Or - are you having success still porting with your leashed thrall? If I am doing something wrong, perhaps someone could offer recommendations for ensuring a safe leashed thrall teleport? Or someone could offer me some troubleshooting ideas?

Thank you!


Did you see the binding durability going down? If it is, it still there. if no, then it gone i guess


Last time I see it , worried me too , but I continue to my wheel of pain and I happily find out that I was still holding my thrall . So make the test non stop until you reach your wheel of pain .


Hey @Cauthey , just to let you know Funcom has said that the " feature " of porting with binded thralls was in fact a bug , and announced it was fixed some time ago now ( more than 6 months at least ) in some patchnotes, but in fact it’s mostly that the thrall becomes invisible but is still there , next time go to your wheel as stelagel and BrutusWhitefang said ( as usual without breaking the rope :wink: ) all should be good !


I shouldn’t have to run TestLive myself just to figure this out, can anybody say whether this issue is fixed in 2.5?

It is maddening, and frankly insulting to the player that we should need to run invisible “leashed” thralls back to our wheels.

If you try teleporting with a leashed thrall, do not mount your horse or the bond will be broken. I’m sure there’s a workaround for all of this, but I’m at my workaround limit.

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Your “after” state is still bound. After Teleport your binding will still be counting down. If you run to the wheel, you will place your thrall there.

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I am the veritable Castor to @Cauthey’s Pollux here, as the teammate who has watched his brother create something useful and somewhat clandestinely pointless to attack, only for it to be much wasted effort. You feel it especially when you’re trying to bring a server back to life and all you hear are “bugs bugs bugs.” I told a new player on the server I felt like an NPC who doles out missing parts of the story.

Barnes of Asura reminds you your thralls can be killed behind walls. Mask up for safety!

This is especially poignant when you consider I’m coming back with new content, and as I audition some of it live to prospective supporters I hear “isn’t the game finished yet?” This happened during the busted leash test, when I had an important thrall on the rope.

This is an essential function of server life. We were told way back when that maprooms should be the new thing rather than wheelwarts everywhere. Let’s find a lane and stay there.


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