Idea: Update how we interact with our religious altars

With 3.0 we have a new mechanic where we drag thralls to an altar to sacrifice them for evil sorcery purposes. Why not have this mechanic for some of the religions? How satisfying would it be to sacrifice a heart to Set on the altar’s stone table? Or to toss a screaming victim into the pit of Yog? I’m sure there’s something PG13 you can do for Derketo on that slab. Maybe have them wither away like when you steal a thrall’s soul.

Obviously this doesn’t work with all the gods. I don’t think Mitra would take kindly to you bludgeoning someone to death at his feet with an ankh, but I think it would add some flavor to the more evil religions. It’s also not as efficient as going into a camp and hacking religious items out of corpses, so maybe a single sacrifice offers a higher output of rewards.


I always thought this should have been in the game by now. It would be awesome.


Who knows that may be the next Age. I believe theres plenty of references to making the religion system a bigger part of conan, i cant quote anything myself. Im just going by what others have said here and there.

I personally wouldnt mind an xotli “religion”


I’m down with this. Personally I hope 3.Whateverisaftersorcery is the Age of Gods where we get a complete religion revamp.

And purge level 7…Avatar attacks.


I’d like Bel god of Thieves for my characters. They’re not exactly Mitra people… but not Set or Yog levels of wickedness either


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