Why I can find active discussions on Steam via google and can’t find the game on Steam store?
I type Age of Conan: Unchained on steam store search, nothing comes out.
And here I am reading active posts on AoC steam discussion board… wtf?
Why I can find active discussions on Steam via google and can’t find the game on Steam store?
I type Age of Conan: Unchained on steam store search, nothing comes out.
And here I am reading active posts on AoC steam discussion board… wtf?
If i type “age of conan” in the search box, it show correctly. Maybe the search system desn’t like the “:” character.
In addition to just typing ‘age of conan’ in the store’s search box - right on the steam discussion page in the upper right hand corner is a box labels STORE PAGE, just click on it.
“sorry, new users can’t post image”
“sorry, you can’t use links in your post” or whatever it says.
wtf is this… how can a dude communicate here lol
As you “were supposed to be able” to see, one game (and all other games) has Store Page button.
AoC does not.
No matter what I type in search box in Steam I can’t find this game.
If you want images PM me… i guess I can’t send link via pms lol
Are you doing this on your phone or a computer?
I just tested it again, load steam, open steam store page, type age of conan into the search box and I get 3 hits with the top one being the free one.
I also typed age of conan into the google search bar and the hit below Funcoms was the Steam link to the store page.
Plus right there on the discussion page is a link to the store page.
Not sure what you’re doing wrong. Worst case just download it from Funcom.
it’s weird…
I already play the game from Funcom cuz I NEVER could find it on Steam.
I thought the game was not on steam at all.
However I try I can’t find it on Steam Really weird stuff.
All other games I can find without any issue, ofc…
Maybe its a country or vpn thing?
No… I never used VPN
Now i’m curious ffs hahaha
I never found this game on steam - ever.
When will I be able to post photos or links? Some forum level or what?