Good morning,
I was wondering if an auction house with server cross-over will ever be implemented so that equipment, materials, various items can be traded.
It would make the game a bit more enjoyable and give an edge to social relationships.
I have been thinking about this for a long time, I even left a note in the recent feedbeck in which we were invited to participate…
I am a veteran of WOW I have been playing it since the beta days and I must say that an AH is something interesting.
Thanks for your attention good game everyone.
I doubt they would ever add it as it would just take too much time for probably very little benefit at this stage.
Doesn’t the game already support giving players items?
I play on a solo setup, but i could almost swear we could trade in this game to a certain degree.
Also my condolences on still playing WoW, that game no offense here has really gone down since Wrath and that expansion after BFA really just sealed it’s fate as far as i am concerned lol.
Well, I personally do not share your opinion, certainly in solitary there is no benefit but I think a market can be constructive.
For the comparison with the other game was just to make it clear what I was referring to and that HA has always had a particular interest from many players.
Then everyone has their own tastes, preferences and what not
It’s been asked for for years now, just like the basic tools Pippi mod adds to the game.
Forget about it.
Probably they are working on another disastrous expansion right now, it will hit us painfully in a spot that nobody expects
I don’t think it will ever happen, but i would say it’d be fun if there were a thing such as a NPC similar to a barkeep that can sell items you give to it.
It’d also give people a reason to visit bases, people can put up bulletin boards with whatever kind of request / offering for items and whatnot.
Equally unlikely though methinks.
I am already doing the latter but getting anyone to view my market stalls and bulletin boards is a rare thing to say the least. Plus when it comes to trading currency kind of is a moot thing in CE.
Not on official servers. I mean, sure you can just drop crap on the ground and hope they pick it up in time before it decays, but there is no way to put items into a container for people to pick up things out of or a method to put items into for them to trade items / in game currency (gold / silver coins) for.
The pippi mod has exactly this already in it, and has had this for more years than I care to remember. It is a staple of RP servers and it is of MASSIVE benefit, and likely would be even on non RP servers. But it can be difficult for someone who has never experience such a thing to judge just how useful it is, so I’ll take your comment as one based on ignorance rather than one based on being condescending and dismissive towards the OP’s idea.
Most MMO’s have this feature, even before WOW. Heck, even Funcom’s Age of Conan MMO has one. But Conan Exiles is not an MMO which is why they never implemented such an infrastructure into the game. It was meant to be a gritty brutal survival game (yeah I know,
) but that is what the game is SUPPOSED to be. So a built in auction house does not really fit, though the ability for a player (or players) to build their own should not be out of the question.
I have played a few mmos from Everquest, World of Warcraft to Diablo 3 when it had an auction house before and after they removed the real money part.
When i said very little benefit, i am speaking from what i believe funcom is going to ask themeselves when trying to decide if it’s worth their money to add it.
I don’t deny the possibility the players would certainly enjoy it, but will it translate to dollars for funcom when the game has not had an official AH in over 5 years.
They will question if it will even make them enough money to go to the trouble off their current player base.
Perhaps i should have said i don’t believe they would ever add a cross-server auction house or anything bigger than direct player tradeing trade posts with maybe allowing for auctions.
I could see them MAYBE allowing people with towns or something similar to put out a box containing items for sale or a thrall with wares for sale , but imo given the track record of funcom.
Not sure they are really going to want to invest into the server structure to handle all the backend transactions of a bid/offer system.
I am not trying to be condescending lol, but i just don’t see funcom putting this much effort in as their track record lately isnt even close to being in the ball park of listening to their players.
They still have not addressed the inventory mess they dropped on us and i imagine most people have just given up even asking at this point cause they are tired of the silence.
I hope they would at least consider it for sure, i am just being a bit admittedly painfully realistic i guess.
It comes from dealing with people on message boards and with deaf companies that ignore their players, so i can be a bit pessimistic at times.
Also one last thing, don’t forget we are not all PC players, consoles have no mod support, another thing i wish companies would get more into these days.
That’s another topic though lol.
Oh I am well aware that console players do not receive mod support. It is sad but it is true. And trust me, some of my best friends on this forum are console players so I would never assume that everyone is a PC player. The only reason I brought up the functionality of the pippi mod is the very fact that for many years not this mod HAS allowed players to place, effectively, thralls (special thralls mind you, not just any) into the world and have them store items which other players can interact with to purchase the items they are carrying for the prices you set. Those thralls will also hold said currency until you interact with them next and collect the coins from them. So if the mod authors were able to do this, 4 or 5 years ago at the least, it really should not be all that difficult for Funcom to do (especially when in several different dev streams they have themselves said that pippi was their favorite mod and the one they use the most). That was the only reason that I mentioned the mod.
And I would also like to thank you for clarifying your statements more as this has certainly shed a lot more light onto your viewpoint. I do agree that a full blown auction house would be above and beyond reason, but specific thralls, or even containers that you can set down to place items in and set prices (be it the gold / silver coins or even trade for things like hardened bricks / star metal… make a drop down of various “end game” resources and another drop down for quantities, or just a box to type in). That could be crafted via the hammer and set down outside of your base so anyone wandering by could see what you have to offer and if they like what you have buy it, or just move along.
I get that on PvP servers this wouldn’t really be used very much as instead of buying from it they would just blow it up and steal whatever was inside. But they’ll just do that to your base anyway.
I like how naiv and full of ideas new players are. After five years i can tell you this will never happen. Just because…funcom. Even if they wanted to implement a system like this (but they dont), they just wont have the capabilitys and competence as a devteam to release it proper without bugs and endless ways to abuse it. funcom
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