But I REALLY hope they start making more comprehensive and complete offerings and, above all, CULTURAL items. I’d LOVE to see a collection of statues. Statues of various gods in small, medium and large sizes and different finishes would be fantastic. Statues of various figures from various cultures. Imagine things like this for Vendhya
We need tapestries and wall art in general. And clothing and armor for the various races.
It’d also be great if they’d offer expansions to the DLC build sets. Much like they’ve done with the sandstone pieces. It’d definitely net them more sales of those old DLCs and I probably could not resist them as I have all of them.
@DaVice and @Sir.Henry.Vale
This one can confirm, no wedges.
No wedge foundations, nor wedge ceilings, no wedge roofs, it’s as tho wedges simply are not a thing in the game as far as the Bazaar is concerned.
This one could snarl about it for many moments. But no one here deserves to be subjected to that.
Edit: Also, no wedges of that variety in the admin panel. If an asset exists in game, even if one is not entitled to use it, it tends to appear in the panel. As far as this one can surmise, it simply was never made. A few build streamers also noted this in the 3.0 lead up. While one hoped that oversight would be addressed…
Now this one is more inclined to view it as deliberate omission possibly to create for a future set, possibly because those in charge of such things believe we should only build squares with pointed tops, and possibly (but vanishingly unlikely) as an act of spite.
Take a look at the mod Shani’s Stuff. It has hundreds of placeables including small, medium, and large versions of most statues. In addition, each size can be resized and recolored! I was playing around with the statues last night.
Oh I’m aware of Shani’s! It’s a great mod! Frankly, I would not be playing this game at all without mods! But if FC is going to try to sell us what mods give us for free I feel like it’s in their best interests to actually know what kind of things we want.
Seems like a pretty serious oversight. I mean, cosmetic building DLCs are most likely targeted for people who like to build, and most builders won’t be satisfied with designs that all look like Scrooge McDuck’s money bin, a Borg Cube or Fort Knox bullion repository.
This one detects a theme beyound shape in your choices, or perhaps this one is projecting.
However, you are 100% correct.
As a tier 1 set, it is aimed at neither the PvP nor PvE crowd. This is for the Builder crowd. With only the stairs and two wide open wall bringing anything new to the table for anyone else.
I’m at loss about what you actually want from the Bazaar. Why would they give us some boring, old horses or normal, boring looking armor or whatever boring looking things you seem to have a thing for? Why would I even want to buy something like that? The main fking draw of the Bazaar items is that they look cool and unusual and it shouldn’t change.
The next thing you’re going to complain about is why there are skeletons and dragons and cosmic horrors in your game with normal looking people with normal looking weapons, riding the normal looking horses.
I don’t agree with them about the DLC’s being removed. There should be DLC projects with cultural themes and these one shots that are semi-linked to the age in question but are really just unique one offs that attract those that want to be the special little snowflake in the world of dragonhide and silent legion gear. The DLC’s can be prolonged for 1-2 releases a year while the mainstay of content is the Bazaar as designers shoot off their quick designs.
I don’t have exact numbers but I don’t think the bazaar is selling good.
You’re not the first one complaining about that, but I can only say the most obvious thing: “if the price is too high for you, don’t buy it.”
Hopefully, someone will realize this sooner or later and the bazaar would get fixed.
Also, remember that this feature is quite new for this game: it would take some time to assest.
As for the “cultural” stuff. Yes, I agree as well, but probably actual game pass was so because we are in Age of Sorcery. I’m sure it would change theme in next ages.
I would be happy to keep spending money on DLCs, even if they raised the DLC price to $20 or even $30. Keep the BLB to, uh, extract as much profit from those who are willing to participate in that, and release a DLC once or twice a year.
Yeah I find FC business strategy funny in that they are too scared to remove the revenue of game purchase (from a 4 year old game) but are willing to gamble away the DLC revenue completely into the rotating storefront. I believe the strategist probably told them that having the DLC and the store would create internal competition and affect storefront sales as a bunch of folks would save their purchases to DLC’s…to which I would counter that no one has ever questioned the designs of the cosmetics and we all agree there is significant talent therein…let them create and put it out there to purchase. Data can drive where creativity can be funneled for the future foci. Apparently this consumer has more faith in the store front designs being monetized than the strategist did…but that’s my strawnman
If so, someone should remind the strategist that competition is supposed to be good for consumers, and all that jazz
Seriously, though, I don’t see why DLCs and BLB should compete. I think they are aimed at different market… segments? niches? Whatever the it’s called.
Sigh (because of the sad truth of consumer markets)…because of the reaction to the store pricing as we have seen. There is comparisons and numbers are skewed in the comparisons. Yeah that 5 piece set is $8 and that 92 set DLC is $20…but if you use those 5 pieces far more often than 75% of the DLC, whats the value equivalency there? There is truth that there will be folks that will purchase the DLC over store just because of the item count. I am saying that the store front will still see larger revenue regardless as long as new content streams in consistently because the talent is there to show value almost immediately and if not immediately, there is regret on seizing that purchase at the time. The DLCs are nice because it really ties in Hyborian Age in meaningful ways. Truth be told, there probably isn’t much $ in the DLC when you look at all the front work for all of those pieces are costing but if it breaks even and if you can use it to maintain player interaction into the game, you get more exposure into your true money maker which is the store front. Heck They should promo the store sales during the load screens (@AndyB …shame for not getting that through! You literally have a captive audience )
Maybe I didn’t understand something about your idea, but what I was imagining was BLB and DLC having small overlaps. So BLB would keep selling small packs where you get 5 pieces for $8, and then once or twice a year you would get a DLC for $20 or $30, with close to a 100 pieces. And only a few of those 100 would be stuff from BLB.
So it’s not like people would look at 100 pieces for $20 and say “I’m not gonna buy BLB stuff”, because it’s different kind of stuff. You (mostly) couldn’t get BLB stuff in a DLC, and vice versa, you (mostly) couldn’t get DLC stuff through BLB.
And the nice thing is you’re capturing both parts of the market, “the plebs” and “the whales”. The plebs are happy with DLCs, and with the goodwill you get by not making them feel like second-class citizens anymore, they might even drop a couple of bucks on BLB when there are packs that fit in really nicely with their favorite DLC pieces. On the other side of the equation, the whales will definitely buy DLCs too – if they’re habitually spending money on BLB, DLCs are definitely a bargain for them.
Margins. The margin on a single item far outweighs the margin on the grouped because of the significant discount. Bean counters (please no offense to any controllers or finance guys) will simple show that DLCs are inefficient wastes. You have to link the DLC’s in some way towards continued access and purchases into the storefront to sell the idea of DLCs with the context of the store front. This could be as simple as reserving some of the more…awesome designs for the DLC to a store front item to having some complimentary working between DLC and bazaar item
For instance a 2000 CC necromancy DLC and a bazaar Wight character skin. You could charge easily 1000CC for that skin and would have people dropping more $ into CC over this sort of thing) Money in the bank!
Yeah, it’s a shame they didn’t include the wedge pieces in either set. Personally, I’d really like a sandstone gate frame and even some vaulted ceiling pieces.