InGame VoiceChat without Function

Basic Info:

Platform: PlayStation 5
Issue Type: Other
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: No Special Server

Bug Description:

InGame Voice Chat without function

Bug Reproduction:

All Players are permanent muted. If you unmute a Player and close the Settings, the Players are again muted ( or better said still muted). The Problem is not bound to the distance between the Players, it occurs all the time. We tested it on PS4, PS Slim, PS4 Pro and PS5…. Always the same result. No InGame Voice Chat! Please fix that, because Conan Exile has so much Potential for Roleplayer and that only works fine with an InGame Voice Chat.


It’s on any server as well. There’s been a lot of issues in the past that could have been resolved if we had it.

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Hello everyone,

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention.

Could you send a video of this situation so we can have a better idea of how this issue manifests?

Thank you in advance!


Where shall I send the video? I had sent Emails with the description of the VoiceChat Problem to Funcom but never received an answer.

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Stupid question but would it work on ps5 with the microphone/speaker on controller not sure how it works.

There are no stupid questions, but no it works not. There is actually no way to communicate InGame by using VoiceChat. Believe me we tried it in every f… way!

The wondering Fact is, that this problem is now existing since more then 1 year ( since End of 2021 I think).

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InGame chat is affected by PSN party/notices. There are system settings to allow “friends of friends” or “anyone” to open chat with basic permission. Without that you probably see the mic icon disabled and chat icon enabled.


Thanks for that
Probably best the whole server does not hear my wife and I yelling at our thralls


But that is not the Problem here… But I think if there are so simple solutions could you please make a video where we can see that InGame Voice Chat is working nowadays? We tried out every single Way … from Server Support over to PSN Settings, Different Headset and different Playstation Consoles from PS4 to PS5.

THE RESULT: No InGame Voice Chat

No. I’ve done that too many times. And, I’m not saying you are wrong about in-game chat. I have not used in-game chat for awhile, but I want to see it working (and get the full product).

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I have sent now a video and hope that Funcom will solve the Problem with the Voice Chat on Playstation…

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Did you received the Video about the InGame Voice Chat Bug?

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