Introduce Yourself!

New to the forums? You a veteran but excited about the game? Are you a fan of the other Mutant Year Zero works? Say hi here! You can use this to test out text, how the forum works, or just say hey. :slight_smile:

My name is Nicole. Iā€™m a Community Manager here at Funcom. Iā€™m extremely excited about MYZ: Road to Eden and it will be my first experience into this fantastic world.

I am Natascha, or Tascha for short and the Community Director here at Funcom. I have to admit that Iā€™ve never heard of the Franchise before MYZ: Road to Eden, even though Iā€™ve played Mutant Chronicles (go figure). I am very much looking forward to the game, even though I donā€™t generally play games in this genre. Absolutely in love with the characters!

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Hello World!

I am Melcom a Volunteer Moderator from Germany :wink:

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Hi hi hi hi hi!



Hello! Moderator and cat enthusiast here! I havenā€™t played anything in this series yet but Iā€™m looking forward to it all the same!

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I am best known as ā€œKurnnā€, but me and Funcom goes way backā€¦to Anarchy Online in 2001!
And even longer back, I played Mutant as a kid in the 80ies so I am very much looking forward to this game!


Supā€™ everyone, ā€œprematureā€ fan of the game here.

Iā€™m Jens Erik, also a community manager at Funcom. Iā€™m very much looking forward to Mutant Year Zero because I love the XCOM style gameplay, the characters, the world, and the promises of the story. Still havenā€™t played the pen & paper RPG, but Iā€™m looking to do something about that real soon

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I am Nord. I like cats and forums :3

My name is Skeksil. That is all.

Hello, Iā€™m Schrodember and Iā€™m really looking forward to playing MYZ :smiley:

Hey, itā€™s Hikari Kenzaki, streamer, in-game photographer, tweeterer and general fun gal you may know from Secret World or elsewhere.
Looking forward to playing, streaming and taking all the screenshots in the game.
Not a huge follower of the setting, but Iā€™ve dabbled in it.

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Hi all, glad to be here in the beginning. :slight_smile:

Iā€™m a streamer aswell as avid Mutant RPGā€™er since the first boxes, very nice to see a PC game version of Mutant Year Zero!

Jens_Erik & Tascha, be prepared for the usual barrage of questions regarding when we can start streaming & what the NDAā€™s say. There are a lot of us out there, recommend some FAQā€™s on it. :wink:


Has anyone seen any release date yet?
Since pre-order has been out for a while, I hope the game isnt far from launch =).

Fan of the Mutant Year Zero RPG here. Happy to see a computer game being developed based on it.


JOrifice here!
Been a FunCom Fan since the launch of The Secret World (or was it the first Conan game. I forget witch was first.). Iā€™ll be here playing the game and posting strange things to the forum. Sometimes involving Deeply Disturbing Beer.


Age of Conan was first must be in 2008

Greetings. Iā€™m a turn-based tactical junkiie, so MYZ is an auto-buy for me. Shut up and take my money!

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More news on that very soon! :tm:


Oh love that poster!