Inverted sloped roof corner but "upside down"

Hi, I love the building but trying different non square buildings for some time I always get stuck with having to work around finishing a nice roof due to the wedges.
Can you add in each already existing building type a inverted sloped roof corner that is “upside down”?
See below screenshots;

PS: I do play on official servers so no special mods that can counter this issue! :wink:

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Place a triangle ceiling, close your roof, and place an archer there. Problem solved :wink:.

haha closing it like that is what I did but it isn’t looking as good as when I could have closed it as a regular roof :wink: :smiley:

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Ofcurce, but sometimes, these are the pieces of the puzzle, there can be no more. Believe me, you can make miracles with the pieces you already have. I don’t know if you are long in this forum but if your computing skills are good try to find the building contests that done in this forum to witness the miracle :wink:. You will gain so many ideas and your builds will go to another lvl. However if you want to close the roof do this…
replace the left and right wall with triangle walls this will give you a perfect edge and the ability to close with 2 triangle roofs, one normal and one inverted, have fun.

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