Is Adept of Zar Tiger a mount?!

I see it in the bazaar, but the package is very expensive (around $17 for a handful of armor, weapons, and a couple emotes), but it looks like the tiger may have a saddle. I’m assuming it’s just a pet, but on the off chance it’s a mount, I’d love to know so I could buy it.

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No. Only current mounts are horse and rhino. Once they’ve made the camel and/or elephant visible again, then either one of those will be the third mount.


I hope camels :laughing: :metal:


I was hoping elephants at first, now I’m for either. But, why not both? :joy:


Elephants are by far the most vicious mounts of all times. Countries that could tame elephants for mounts held their borders clean from possible raids no matter who the general was to raid. Fast example of Alexander the great in India!
Unfortunately i cannot see how this can be implemented in game when you see a rhino mount to be slow and low stamina :confused:. So i don’t trust we will get something that will represent the power of an elephant mount. Elephants may seem slow moving animals but they can speed up to 55km/h demolishing literally everything in their way. I would love to see THIS power in game. But…
We have pvp and it will be game breaking!
Camels on the other way may come with the option of caravan. This would be awesome. But i guess i dream too much right now :rofl:.

Yes, i am all in :wink:, no matter my dreams :metal:


Would be better if they just carried you around in their hand and when you went to dismount they tossed you. :smile:


My Bellas butt will get frostbite mounting the blue ones :laughing:.

You just highlight the text and press the popup button that says “quote”. However, when I did that before my text which quoted you seemed to have disappeared. Really not sure why that happened.

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