Is fishing a joke?

So wth? In my memory, fishing started out simple. Put a trap in water, get fish. ok.Then they added the requirement for bugs 1/1 i think. ok. Now, they nerfed the production, no idea what the ratio is. And, they have started making some legendary weapons (agility class) like Bec de Corbin. ok. Well, this makes having agility thrall more desirable to train and use. ok? So, why is it harder to get the fish you need for the agility training boost? Am I alone or is this a d**n joke?


They did not “nerf the production”, it’s a bug basically and about half the time you don’t get any fish because of it, the devs are aware of it and it’s probably going to get fixed in an upcoming update.

(as a side note as far as boosting agility on a thrall, that miniscule boost is really not as important as some people make it out to be, I sure as hell wouldn’t bother with fish traps and lose on healing rate by feeding them subpar food during combat, but to each their own :slight_smile: )

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I don’t know what bug you’re talking about, but they did make it harder as they changed the fact that fish can now decay in the fishtraps , so you need to micro manage it much more or else you may come back to nothing left.


No, there is a bug where they mistakenly changed the result percentages incorrectly assuming how the trap works (it’s different from all other similar systems in the game) and this causes over half of the time for the fishing recipe to consume the bait and not provide any results.

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Fish have a 90% decay reduction in traps. Unless you leave them in there for several hours, none of them are decaying.

Use potions, they’ll last longer.

Also don’t forget to do the sunken city dungeons. The boss drops the best fish food for traps.

It may have to do with not putting many or too many fish traps on multiplayer servers, single player is often affected by changes to multiplayer servers, your single player game is actually a server, the changes for the server are the same for single player and multiplayer … the old servers were full to the brim with loose bricks and fish traps, that slows down ping a lot … oil can be extracted from seeds, you don’t need so many fish traps, to increase agility you can use other foods too, anyway, to feed your companions the amount that comes out fishing is fine, at least it was 4-6 months ago, there are areas where more worms come out when using the scythe than others, use a level 4 scythe, hardened steel or higher level, many bugs come out,600 bugs or 1000 bugs, you can put boxes of dung and let worms come out,ten boxes x 50 worms each are 500 worms, with worms the proportion of larger fish that give oil is greater,from 100 bugs you will get 30-50-70 fishes and from 50 worms 30-40 fishes…there are zones where the number or proportion of fishes is greater than others … and you can also use hyena meat or crocodiles to increase agility.

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Give them whatever heals them faster to eat. Their growth is based on rng, don’t mind for the percentage numbers you see, that’s bs. A 0-20 (golem lvl up) Narcissa took more vitality and more agility than any other i had in the past that leveled the valid way. Over 65 agility and over 7k hp. So fish only because you like it not because it’s necessary!

It’s not bs, it is just small. Much smaller than the effect of RNG. On average, boosting an attribute with +14% every level from 0-20 will result in 2.8 additional points than you would have gotten otherwise. RNG eclipses that amount.

If you want to ignore the very small benefit you might get from feeding them the right food 20 times, that is completely fair. If you think the benefit, even if very small, is worth the effort, that is also quite fair. Either choice is yours to make, and neither is the correct way to play.