Is the sub fee worth it?

Maybe as a 30 day log in reward bonus we could have 5 bank slots lol :smiley:

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to be honest, play the game for a bit first, many of the bonuses (keys and whatnot) you wont be using for some time.
once you feel you got a handle on the game and what it offers, get the sub!

If it wasn’t for my Grandmaster lifetime account, I would have left this game ages ago, and I definitely wouldn’t have paid the monthly sub. It was worth it in TSW, here it’s not. The only reason I log in now it for the daily cache key.

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Oh, they have. I was just thinking ahead for if I wanted to start a cabal of my own.

I love the Cookies, though.

Thanks for the response!

@NomenLuni I agree. I didn’t have the cash for Grandmaster back then, but it looked super worth it. The current sub not really. If I really wanted some aurum fast I could sub for a month and then pop out, but that’s about it. (I wonder if that would work for cabal creation too… Do you keep it afterwards…???)

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You’d keep the cabal, just lose the bank access. And subbing wouldn’t give you aurum, unless you count the extra MoF you’d get, with which you could buy aurum…

Oh it doesn’t? I thought it came with 1000 or something. (Or like 100?)

Sucks about losing the cabal bank, but I guess kinda makes sense.

TSW’s membership came with 1200 monthly “Bonus Points” (equivalent to Funcom Points but with a 6-month expiration date and unsuitable for gifting). SWL’s patron doesn’t include any premium currencies.

You also have to be patron to still keep using the cabal you created (not sure if this is the same when in a cabal you didn’t create, i suspect it is)
So the fee is - being a patron or subscriber fee.
It’s part of Patron privileges - even though it’s not listed on the patron benefits.
Which is rather disingenuous i think.

I only came across this after looking just how long the “limited time offer” of the yearly sub had actually been going on for.

The real reason why it exists is so you do have to pay. Nothing else behind it.
If it’s useful to the player, they have to pay.

It is definitly worth it
You have 8 hours cooldown on any misión instead of regular 2days(Am I right?)cooldown.Which Will help a lot when you get to Kaidan to farm ap&sp,o farm 4000 per one glyph dis from those 3 faction Rank paragon misiones.3 misiones of each one gives you 12000 glyph dis+4000 weapon/talismán dis every 8 hours is considerable amount of Benefit.
You have free teleport which dont need anima shards,well,if you play enough often this perhaps not a important part as you wont run out on anima shards.
You get 20% more exp&mof,and above this you get 2 times more ap&sp,this Will help a lot when you are new,also long term 20% more mof on dailies is also considerable amount
You only need to pay 5%+5% fee on AH when you try to sale stuff,utterly useful if you buy low sale high AH lurking

And above all this,you get daily keys which each one equal to 150 aurum.12month patrón pack is 99.99euros,which result the same Price as 12000 aurum.Do the math,and you Will find patronaje is utterly useful and utterly worthy.

The cabal bank needs patron status for access. You can use all the other cabal controls without patron. The creator of a cabal’s patron status after the act doesn’t matter either.
The only thing that patron changes about the cabal once you’ve created it is bank access. You can have non-patron officers and leaders and they will have all the normal cabal controls, but they won’t be able to draw or deposit from the bank.

You can have non-patron top ranks without bank access and lowest ranks with patron who will have bank access if their rank grants them that privilege.

Access to cabal bank if you are the creator would be all that matters. Everything else is a non issue in this game as regards cabals now. You can talk to who you like, run with who you like, titles and roles don’t mean anything… Not really sure what else a cabal offers other than it’s bank space. And kinda thought that it was self explanatory that the only benefit to a cabal in SWL is it’s space.

Surprise. Some of us are in a cabal for classical reasons, and some of us dont need the cabal leader to be the one with patron lol. You never needed to be in the same cabal to funktion as one for most things, and plenty used a personal cabal for space in TSW too.

If you make a personal cabal, which rarely will be for Any other reason than bank space, then yes, you need a patron.

Other than having to pay for this feature, that is my point.

And what exactly is your point? That cabal bank access should be free? I can pretty much guarantee you that that would lead to rampant abuse of free accounts as personal storage extensions.

you say that like its a bad thing lol
I have absolutely no problem in people having a lil bit extra storage space.

A little bit of extra storage would quickly turn into a lot of extra storage, with accounts being free and it only taking 15 minutes or so to run a new character through the tutorial.

Storage space is one of the few things worth paying for. So from Funcom’s point of view, yes, that would be a bad thing.

Still not quite sure how that equates to “Rampant abuse” that would be detrimental in any way.
My point was that the creation of one and (continued access of it) does come with a fee.
IMO - it shouldn’t.
That is all.
Thank you.

I can understand it being a Requirement to prevent everyone and their pet from making personal Cabal Bank.

But the requirement effecting actual Cabal Banks is just a really bad design dissension.
like the at Legends Launch where people could not Trade if they were non-Patrons…

But 5 or 10 people in the Cabal should had Negated the requirement of Patron status to Access it
But sadly it does not.

Legends Patron
  • Cache Key: (1 per Day at login) I would had Preferred 1000 :aurum: (Monthly) like back in TSW.

  • Extra Agent Mission Slot: This is alright, i guess?..

  • +20% Mark of Favour: This is alright.

  • Double AP/SP: to me this have not had any value since October 2017…

  • +10% XP: was +30% in TSW.

  • +15% shards from Missions: Sadly this is only on Mission Turn in.

  • Free Anima Leaps and Teleports: Pretty sure “Meetup” is free.

  • +8 Dungeon Keys: 10+8= 3 Whole Dungeons, if you like Dungeons.

  • +3 Lair keys: 3+3 = 1 Full 10-Lair run.

  • +1 Scenario Key: 2+1 = an Additional Scenario.

  • +3 Healing Pots & Capacity: :rofl:

  • 50% off on refills: (Refill in sets of 3/6) Still not worth the Mark of Favors.

  • 8 Hour Mission Cooldowns: a 64 Hour Reduction in Mission cooldowns, makes one of the most valuable thing in the list.

  • Action House Delivery: This can be useful for when you max out a signet have have ready to take out signets or put unwanted Signets on Auction house doing a Regional summon Raid.

TSW Patron
  • +30% XP: from Anything!

  • +50% Black Bullions: from anything (Equivalent to Purified Distillates “Free” to use).

  • +20% cap on Black Bullions and Marks of the Pantheon: +200 Bullions / +50 Pantheons caps.

  • 8-hour Mission Cooldowns: instead of 18 hours in New England. 32 Hours in Egypt, 68 Hours in Transylvania.

  • 18-hour Raid Lockout Timers: down from 68 hours (@AWOL ).

  • 2x Lockout Timer Resets: (every 30 days) This item resets all running Cooldowns (Missions/Raids/Scenarios).

  • 10% discount in item shop: which includes Skins, Pets, Cloth and anything that costed “:aurum:

  • 1200 Bonus Points every 30 days: Equivalent to 1000 :aurum:

  • Free Anima Leaps: Pretty sure “Meetup” were free.

The old TSW Patronship is Still better Value for you Money…
The legends have more things, but many of them are at no value, all the Decent once were reduced.

While the Best value in Both are the Shorter Activity Cooldowns and TSW even have Less Raid Cooldowns and a Full Clearing of Activity/Mission Cooldowns !!
and more Resets can be bought in the shop, from your Bonus :aurum:

Shall i Go into the Royalty Rewards Next?

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Reduced from 68 hrs i think - you could raid twice a week without membership.