I needed help the other day and when I was contacted by a GM, it is in this red text. For some reason on this monitor (TV) that I bought a few years ago, red text is ‘really’ hard to read. I noticed it as soon as I got it, but sucked it up, as having nothing and waiting would have been worse. I’ve managed to get by, as red text messages are usually system messages which tend to repeat the same information over time. When it’s someone trying to talk to you, it’s a nightmare.
So short of not being able to understand why this TV is the way it is, is there a way I can change what color the chat is using? If nothing else, just for the color of GM chat?
I assumed the ‘Fonts.xml’ would work the same way, but when I change the font name associated with ‘chat’ and /reloadui, or restart, nothing seems to change?
I’m just going to change the value for ‘Red’, and then wherever ‘Red’ is used, it will use my color (as, that color has no use to me regardless of the source). Is there a way to send chat messages to myself, or a personal guild, such that I can test how the color looks with conversational messages? I see people do all sorts of interesting things in like guild recruitment chat messages. Is there a trick to changing the color of what you are typing like that?
Can’t get the font to work for some reason. Put a few TTFs in a new ‘Fonts’ folder in ‘Custom’ and referenced them in the fonts.xml file and tried to use the names, but don’t see any changes.
Thanks, I’ll look over that, compare it to what I was doing. It’s possible the problem was I wasn’t restarting. The colors will take effect with a /reloadui. It’s also possible I need to be naming the font correctly. Plus, there is the size issue. If I’m changing ‘chat’, and I have my font set to ‘large’, it’s using the ‘large’ and not the ‘chat’, I think.
Again, off in the right direction. Thanks for the help!
Update: Yeah, that was it. Need to restart with fonts.xml changes, and I need to change the font for all the items in that block to cover everything. Most awesome, thanks for all the help!