Jhebbal Sag Chapter 4 Were-bear companion?

I read somewhere we can get the final boss werebear as a companion, but I can’t seem to find anything on it. Can anyone point me in that direction?

google . there is plenty of videos on youtube

I’m not sure if this is the answer that you’re looking for, but you can buy a companion/thrall from the event vendor (I think the cost is 200 claws, IIRC). The same guy that sells the warpaint and the lures also sells this companion.

Yes, I picked those up, the werehyena companions, and they’re 250 fangs each.

care to offer a link, because I’m certainly not seeing one. My post is the only thing that comes up for werebear companion search.

LOOK FOR wak video , sacread hunt event. it will tell youe verything you need to know


thank you, not sure why that wouldn’t show on a google search.

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