So the Jhebbal Sag patch just went live, I -immediately- went and got the potion, crafted, did the dungeon, ate the food, learned the religion. So I went and harvested some rocks, wood and twine. Built the Bower (Alter to Sag) and now I am trying to place it… Well for me its unplaceable. I try to put it down anywhere and it tells me either “Not enough contact with the ground” or “Overlapping with another object or terrain.” I even built a flat surface for it to sit on that was 2 blocks high off the ground, it was 6x6 just to make sure I had the room, it fit perfectly in it from any angle. Still gave me the “Overlapping with another Object or terrain” so I lifted it once just to see if it was clipping a foundation, gets a “Not enough contact” message, tried Auto-aligning tilting, rotating everything, I can’t get it to place.
Not sure if I can help, but I had the same problem. I ended up building a big floor (7x7) and still nothing. i finally got mine to place on a roof of one of my buildings. Still had to get it in the center of that building.
having same issue. got a nice 5x5 foundation placed, and no matter what angle or height i get to I cannot place this altar. I either get not enough contact with ground or overlapping with another object.
I finally got it to place. Seems the problem was i had raise the foundations up a bit to get a higher spot since the ground was pretty uneven. Guess that put the altar to far away from any ground and would not place. once i removed them and replaced so the foundation blocks were just peaking out of the ground then i was able to place. none of the other altars had this problem.
yeah I tried 5x5, 5x6, 6x6 and they all failed. currently it is placed on a 4x5 plot. Never had this much trouble with any of the other altars. oh well. now to hope the pen will fit next to it
The issue I have is that it will not place on wedge foundations or wedge ceiling pieces at all for me. I have no problem placing it on square foundations. I think there is some issue with the object recognizing wedge foundations as extensions of the ground.