Just constant Decay and loss


For the last 2 days I have been randomly having decay issues on stuff I just placed. Then last night I logged out at the clan house inside and safe, I log back in this morning to nothing but my butt. How can i log out safely in a PVE server and lose everything, some not replaceable items? Since the last patch, I have lost a wheel in less than a day, my event is off the records and i am at all these locations atleast 1 a day, but the worse is the log out safely and come back bare butt.

are you logging out with anything good on? i havent tried multiplayer yet, but maybe someone is taking your clothes / armour when you log off?

Place down foundations for anything (atleast 5×5), it will raise the decay timer for all items on and near it

You can’t imagine how longer will last your things with foundations underneath.
It’s a pity since it forces us to pretty much spam foundations all over the map but it helps a great deal maintaining your stuff.
Then you will have a timer of about 144 hours left if you placed enough fondations.

There is a connected block requirement to get the good decay timer. I found this out the hard way. I put down one foundation, 3 walls, one door and a roof peek. Six blocks total. I slapped a cauldron with an Alchemist thrall in the little building. I logged out in there also and when I logged back in building and thrall were gone.

I think the minimum block count for the extended decay timer is seven if memory serves me.

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