Kuthchemes gem are a joke and needs to be revamped!

agreed, these epic gems need a bit of a boost. Some seem in par with the existing blue gems… Make them better by about 40%… The BOE ones need a boost for sure…

What do you mean by saying rare/epic/legendary collection?

What I ment is that the tier system of the gems are silly.

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I’m already maxed out irl. Still need those t6 pixels though…

Agree with the meaningless obsession getting more power-gear, doesn’t make sense. But you contradict yourself when you some months back trolled the PVE community for going ham when they added kutchemes and skull gate instead of new challenging content. Gearing up alts is just as normal occurrence in PVP and raiders that beat you in the pvp tournaments have higher winrate in the pvp tournament than beating Ethram fall in t6 :innocent: food for thought.

rest of the post


If there was no progression there would be no reason to play the game for PvE players. Since we dont have new raids like WoW every couple of years we progress with alts. I’m not sure why there is so much hate. If the PvE players couldn’t find a way to keep their interest in the game by finding new and interesting ways to “progress” the game would have probably shut down by now.


I’m not sure why you constantly bring up the results of the tournaments. The purpose of both, especially the first one, was to build interest in organized PvP and get people premading. I don’t really care about winning or losing, I got to play with my friends in actual premades, which haven’t happened since. We had over two hundred unique entrants, I think, which was really great to see.

I took over the Crom one because the person who originally was organizing it wasn’t the best choice and went insane. I only took over it to try to salvage what he left behind.

It is cute how you stalk my posts, though. If you keep it up I’ll contribute towards the “teach Moriala the basics of Advanced Mechanics”, so that the next time you stream, everyone doesn’t laugh at another vocal PvE player with a fragile ego who can’t quite grasp keybinds.

Who cares if people are clickers when they are good players and fun to play with ?

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You essentially just asked: why bother learning to read if you can get by eating bugs and your own excrement.

It is impossible for a player to be both good and keyboard turner. Fact.

There is no issue with playing with players that still keyboard turn and click.

There is an issue when the hardest content in game is not taxing enough to punish players too lazy to learn that basic skill set.

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i never spoke about keyboard turners. I meant clicking their spells, combos and/or abilities.

Keyboard turning and clicking go hand in hand. If you’re using your mouse to click abilities, it means you cannot perform “turning” operations while doing so, as it requires the right mouse button to be held down.

You can technically do this, but it is inefficient and slow.

I completely disagree.

I guess you’re the expert in this category.

You can still do well clicking abilities, but you are right about keyboard turning. If you don’t believe me about the clicking part, maybe you should watch some of Kazak’s pvp videos :smiley: He manages to be way better mechanically than most pvpers in the game who have everything bound to keys. That said, he is kind of an anomaly.

i would love to seehow you can click using the mouse while also turning using the mouse, when the mouse has to be over your hotbar which completely disables the ability to turn

yet these are the players who want ‘more content’ and ‘better gear’

how about funcom implements gear that plays the game for you and automates every spell to maximize damage. i think thats the level of progression that is desired here

oh theres also this other fun game with almost no user interaction, but plenty of content!

you technically can never run out. keep baking my friend.

Thank you for expressing my point of view in way i could not find words to do it correctly.

nice to see that you entered seriousmode after your initial bait posts. :sunglasses:

Do we now condemn people for clicking? Unbelieveable!

I guess it all comes down with what you feel comfortable with and used to…in a sense whatever works actually…

I myself playing with a trackball since the late 90’s and I am quite fast to click the things on my horizontal bar where I put the sensitivity low on the Y-axis while I have acceleration on the X-axis and it works quite well if you are getting used to it and I would never change it…I might not be the best PVE-Player or PVP-Player but I am doing allrighty…

However I figured, I am playing a demo, that when I put my two instant spells on ‘4’ and ‘5’ on the keybaord after the combo arrows that I am quite faster to do soto call an action upon as I would have them on my horizontal bar clicking…

So if you really want to go “pro” in a sense you have to put all these “things” on your keyboard…I’ve recently even seen mice/mouse with lots of buttons on the side where you would command them with your thumb which might be also an alternative to that keyboard-binding…

But to return to the topic, I totally agree with some of the people here that PVE-items shouldn’t be usable in an PVP environment…

As I’ve seen and read here these PVP tournaments were won by PVE-Players where most of them probably had access to crafted weapons and to these Raidfinder rings where I don’t think it must have been not very balanced back then…like in general… it’s ridiculous that PVE-Items are stronger than PVP-Items in PVP, what the heck right?! I guess they had like Full-alternate-advancement as well…

In my guild we try on one day in the week to do dungeons in Khitai mostly Reliquary of Flame, Vortex of the Storm and Palace of Yun Rau where if you have the quests in front of the Monastery you just need to repeat all these dungeons for 2 times to have like 3 Mastery Points and one Prowes Point which, oh my gosh, is quite fast…where you can put like many points in this tree actually in a short term of time, well you have succeed of course but if you do it several times it’s not that hard anymore, so there might be really a considerable big gap in progression between PVE-Players and PVP-Players…

Well, just my 2 cents here…

Nevertheless think the main problem in this discussion here is like if you put your nose to deep into the private stuff of others where the things were never of your business much damaged will be caused to the other party and you should feel ashamed of it esp. when your EGO is hurt, we talking “Pixels” here, right?..And there is this saying or quote which goes somewhat like this to "don’t be a filthy Swede!!!"

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In a game where the population is deathly low anything that isolates others is probably not a good cause to argue.

Drop the clickers argument and try to find common ground.

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This might help any DTs who want to become faster while in movement and increase efficiency in both PvE/ PvP.

F4-Health Pot, F5-Mana Pot, F6-Stamina Pot
~ - Ritualistic Bloodshed, Tab - Switch Target, Shift - Sprint, (Shift + Z = Dash), Z-Charge
X-Block, C-Cunning Deflection(PvE) or Mind Shatter(PvP), V-Mind Wrack, Alt-Alternative Bar
B-Frenzy Stance, Alt + 4 Defensive Stance, Alt + 5 Covenant of Invulnerability
1-2-3-4-Q-E-A-S-D Movement - Directional Arrows (A-D = Strafe Right/Left)
4-Unhallowed Blight, 5 Blood for Aid 3(Pve) Mystical Bane 2 (PvP), 6 Blood for Aid 4 (PvE) Enraging wound (PvP), 7 - Dooming Pressence
F - A Soul For our Feast (Highest Rank), R,T,Y = Mystical Banes (Highest Ranks), G,H Leech Life
J - Vindication CC Break(PvP) Resolve(PvE), U - Martyrdom(PvP) Forced Engage(PvE)
, - Autoloot
8-9 Goad - Irritate

Alt+ Y ASfoF, Alt + C Slam or Seal of Chaos i never had decided on this one just put everything Non-Visible on an additional bar so you can see it’s on CD that’s all that matters.

Or get a Gaming mouse. Don’t be an Orc like me :stuck_out_tongue: And by no means rub (stuck keys) with WD-40 or any form of silicon/ gun oil whatever. Just buy a New and quality keyboard that wont break.
If it does follow the next steps:

  1. Put your palm on the left side of the keyboard. 2. Push it down. 3. Slide it all the way to the right over your keyboard. 4. Now back. 5. Again. 6. Now faster. 7. Grab it and smash it! Good job.

(Sorry i am just trying to break the Ice)