Land already claimed?

Im playing on an offical Oceana server, iv built a base in an area and I logged on today and someone else has came along and built literally right in front of my base and now it’s bugged out my base and I can’t build anything or upgrade walls because it says land already claimed by him? How did he build so close to me? And now I can’t build anything and I’m not moving because iv spent way too much time on my base

This happened to me again a few days ago and ALOT when the game first released. It seems to be something buggy with elevation and land claim cause every time it’s happenned to me they built below or above me. I’ve raised the issue a few times but never heard from devs only other people here so Unfortunately there is no fix at current. I’ve had to wait on one server till the owner of the offending buildings stayed off long enough to decay and demolish. I walked away from another server because of same problem but build was only half done.

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