Land claimed by someone else even though I have already built on it

Game mode: [Online]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: [America]

Hello! I am playing on an Official Server and I am building a tower base. I was building the base and got halfway up when it wouldn’t let me place any more walls, saying that the land was already claimed. So I relogged thinking it was a glitch but it still happened. Then I went down stairs to what I had previously built, and half of my tower says the land is already claimed. I checked the building pieces with a repair hammer and they still say they are owned by my clan. I looked around me to see if there were any buildings, and above me on a naturally occuring bridge, is a black ice house that has been abandoned. I’m assuming this is the cause of the land claim, but I don’t understand why it let me build there in the first place if the land was already claimed.

Is there any possible way to fix this?

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

  1. Step into my half of a tower
  2. Attempt to place any building material or crafting station
  3. Realize you cannot
  4. Frustrate internally
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This has been happening for some time. It comes and goes in one of my bases near Sep. I’ll log in not be able to build anywhere inside my claim. Log out shut down sometimes it takes a few tries but I can nearly always get it to work eventually. Something is screwy as with land claim boundary’s.

Yeah this happened to me today, but it’s only like 5 blocks of my base :man_shrugging:

I had an issue where it said land claimed but it was really a stability issue with the ceiling I was placing. Not sure why it happens. Seems like sometimes it just displays the wrong error message. Depending on what you are trying to place it’s good to check the stability and see if its actually land claim or something else.

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