Let's speak about dragons

First af all I want to thank @Community and devs for the dragon bone armors. I keep dreaming in this forum constantly and many of my dreams about this game are in this game for the time being and I cannot thank you enough for it. I don’t say that I suggest these things, other players did but I happen to share the same thoughts with them and when I find these posts with mutual “dreams” I get really excited. I will say once more that this forum is equally responsible for me still playing and supporting the game.
Let’s go back to dragons :rofl:.
My best in this game is the dragon fighting, for now dragon fighting is a bit odd, but I believe this will change soon and dragon fighting will be again awesome.
At the beginning of my Siptah experience I did not enjoy that much the difference from exile lands, now however I am getting used to it and I really love the idea that these 2 worlds are so different and a player finds different reasons to love both of the maps. So I can say about it that the thought worked, at least for me. And I will stand to one particular difference that it is the alcohol buff. In Siptah we have alcohol buffs that I still didn’t find the recipe to fix them, I can only loot them and this is the rng way that Siptah has already. In exile lands however the things work more stable when it comes to knowledge. There for I suggest on exile lands to have 3 dragon bone food recipes.
1 Red mother soup.
It will require a soup, dragon bones and red mother head. Consuming this soup you will gain strength and vitality.
2. White dragon soup, before I proceed to this, yes I would love the dragons of North to have their own dragon head. It will require soup, dragon bones, white dragon head and will buff grit and agility.
3 Green dragon soup.
It will require soup, dragon bone, green dragon head and it will buff survival and accuracy.
Even if it is too much dragon killing to cover the buff system, especially when other buff ways exist in the game, I believe that a player cannot farm more than 2 or 3 heads (each) in normal gaming hours. And if you add the importance of buffing maybe in an online server it will be difficult to find a dragon alive so you can kill it. So before I finish the post I can see the complains coming :rofl::rofl::rofl:. Still we have to accept that there are other ways already to buff your self and I suggest this more as an option of how I would like to farm my buff.

Closing, I do share and respect opinions of other players that “the company listens the forum alot”, I cannot say what is the impact in this game from this opinion, I am not that specialist, I am just a gamer. What I can say about it however is that I never ever felt so close to a game the last 36 years of gaming, never. No other game has actually made me feel that I am a part of it so again I cannot thank you enough for it. This community is the only reason I open my self phone after my job and I have a really great time in here. Thank you all.


I like your idea, because I like killing dragons and I like cooking. So why not cooking dragons? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
But sadly the Red Mother borrows the regular red dragons’ head!
Would be a cool addition however to have dragon soups just like rhino head soup. The recipe which teaches it would come from the Mother herself.


You are in my mind brother, totally :+1:t6:


Something to do with dragon heads other than put them in the crusher. I have never mounted one, and I have never killed the northern dragons, though I have killed the Red Mother maybe a gazillion times.
My favorite past time used to be pulling the Red Dragon down into the plain north of the Unnamed City, and riding my horse in circles around it shooting my bow for practice, as my thrall tanked it.


@JJDancer , Awesome!!! I never thought to do it. You know exiting the volcano entrance across the obelisk you easily find some meters away the white dragon and you have a great plateau to do this without any obstacles at all, tonight I will build accuracy and grab my reach of the red and try it. What kind of arrows you suggest?

What else? Dragon Bone!

:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:


Well this was definitely fun and educational. I was able to aim better from the left side, all these years I never used a bow from the horse back, thank you JJ. For sure I’ll try to kil the dragon with lower thrall and a Lance too. Multigun(Spinas) was lvl 17 with Crom sword :rofl::rofl::rofl:. It will be very challenging to kill a dragon solo just with arrows from a horse back. I have to train first but I am sure one day I will manage it for sure. Thanks again JJ for this wonderful idea :+1:t6:.


@Ragnaguard So true, so true. I leave for the Day that I will tame a dragon as a pet, not to mention mount a dragon, then I will not stop playing ever :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I know frozen lands like the palm of my hand. I just love the quiet and the connection the players has with the environment. I just picked this dragon because it is literally closer to the obelisk and alone, really good for horse fight. I leave in Rhodes, so snow is rare for my eyes, one reason more to love white landscapes. Thank you for everything my dear friend I really appreciate every comment of yours :+1:t6:

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Dragon Pie oh my oh my
A tasty treat you really must try
Dragon Pie oh my oh my
Our dishes are empty a dragon must die


@OctaviousWrex , In the furnace hmm, yummy, yes I would definitely buy this one too, awesome idea m8, thank you :+1:t6:

Let’s analyze a bit your wonderful idea. How do we fix a pie from dragon bones :thinking:?
1st of all we should be able to fix dragon flour from dragon bones by putting them in the grinder.
2nd the dragon head in the fluid should no longer give demon blood and bones but dragon mix. Dragon mix should be the second material to stuff the pie.
The 3rd material could be dragonpowder. An explosive taste :rofl::rofl::rofl:. But no this is not good, there for I antisuggest an iron pan. This way decorative will gain more viable reasons in the game.
And this time this meal will be prepared in the oven and to be more exact, only to klin furnaces.
All these will make this recipe really late game recipe and very rewarding for the one who gain it.
The only thing remains is how we get the recipe.
One thought is (the obvious) by rng, witch means I kill the dragons and I have 5% drop rate, from each dragon the specific recipe.
Other thoughts?


lol Dragon Mix! :laughing:

I propose one more consumable: the Imp King’s fancy pot is needed to complete the Dragon Pie recipe.


@Barnes AWESOME!!! Forget the pan, you suggestion makes things way better :+1:t6:
@Halk m8… You have this power on me… :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:… For 3 minutes dude, my son was looking for me and ask, was it that good?
I just couldn’t explain, Halk you rock m8 thanks :love_you_gesture:


This is an interesting idea. I will add it to the project docket.


The hard part is over - droppable White Dragon Head added! Now to whip up the icons for the various soups. And yes it also counts for the Journey step, lol.

The mod’s release name will be Epic Feasts - it will include the Dragon Head soups along with some other ideas I’ve had for higher-level foods.


@terzaerian EPIC FEASTS…
AWESOME. Omg, I will start farming white heads for sure, thank you for everything. I really love the recipe, cooking, brewing, part of the game, so adding more recipes it just make me happier. I can imagine hearts from the black keep turned in to kebap with spiced tears :rofl:, oh I love this game, imagining has no limits.

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Initial release is now up:

To note, you need to learn the feat for Improved Stoves before the feat for Epic Feasts unlocks. Dragon Head Soups are cooked on the stove. Otherwise I tried to follow your description of how the soups are made and the bonuses they impart.


That leaves only question tho’:
can you download (and update) and use mods without actually go online mode in steam? I ask this because I still use 2.4 because of bleed (there is already a mod for that to “fix”) and voidforge bow changes.

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@rolee9309 , Or, how can a console player will ever get this great privilege to have mods in the game :sob::sob::sob:. All the mods could be something like dlc packs for consoles so we could buy them :man_shrugging:. I do read a lot the word “certification”, still I believe that the gaming company would have a good profit from these mods. I won’t say more here because it’s out of my area, but I think it would be profitable. Especially for players that love this game, playing it in a different mod it gives you a fresh feeling of the game and it must be awesome, I guess, @Halk am I wrong here?