Lighting issues that go away with game reload

Game mode: [Online]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: [USA]

I will qualify this with the fact that I rent a server and have put in over 1000 hours and am familiar with the day, night, unnamed city and dungeon lighting effects. What I’m experiencing is abnormal darkness.

There are times when the game is overlayed with an additional layer of darkness. Lighting a torch adds no light and certain areas are completely unplayable (dungeons and the unnamed city are examples). I’m aware that in these locations, the game darkens by design, but it seems it gets even darker after night falls and the darkness never fully recovers during the day. Even in full daylight outside of the dungeons and city, the back of the character remains quite dark, almost black even while there is a clear dimming of all things that should be in bright daylight. The only way to fix it is to fully quit the game and rejoin, which can be really bad if it occurs while fighting in the unnamed city against a boss like the Red Mother (which has bugs all it’s own…). I’ve just recently started noticing this issue so it could be related to the last patch if any of the lighting effects were changed. The night stalker mask doesn’t really improve visibility during these episodes and is possibly related; sometimes the lighting doesn’t change at all when wearing it either. It just dons like any other headgear with no effect. Possibly related, possibly not. Both began at roughly the same time. After a full game restart, the lighting returns to normal and it is markedly clearer.

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

  1. Go to the unnamed city at night; tends to happen there most
  2. Warmaker’s Sanctuary has also induced it

Hello @darthphysicist, welcome to the forums!

Can you confirm that the issue does not occur consistently, but requires that you are within those areas at nighttime, even without the mask?

We’ll register it for the developers to look into in any case, thank you for reporting it!

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I’m not sure it only occurs in those locations, but because the light level is so low to begin with in those locations, when it happens it makes those areas completely unviewable.


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