Lightning storm with golems in purges

Has anyone done a purge with using golems with the lightning rod head? I’m not ready on any of the servers I’m playing to try this out but i am curious if this is a valid strategy since lightning storm doesn’t do in clan damage so does the lightning hit the golem and create an area of effect damage on the attackers?

Has anyone tried this?

Not recently, but this one may do so soon.

The last time this one tried, the lightning storm sorcery didn’t target the lightning rod golems and instead was still mostly random.

That said, the lightning in all modes was still damaging allies and this one’s own structures.

Will see if the team wants to experiment with this during the weekend

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So, short answer.
Don’t, it sucks

The Golems with lightning rod head not once attracted the bolts. The storm just ravaged the purge base and never connected with the designated targets.

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Ugh. That’s sad. So there is literally nothing lightning storm is good for.

There is.
But sharing that is perhaps not in keeping with forum rules. So this one will not, because it is an…
Other than intended…
Use of the spell.

Understood. I just hate that end game sorcery stuff (t3 spells and corrupted 20 perks) are just soooo blah

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This one agrees, they are not worth the cost.

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