Yes, I’m back again. I just can’t find anything better than this.
A lot has changed, a lot has improved so much.
I want to cast a spell to defend from a purge. Have you done it? Any recommendations?
Good hunting!
Yes, I’m back again. I just can’t find anything better than this.
A lot has changed, a lot has improved so much.
I want to cast a spell to defend from a purge. Have you done it? Any recommendations?
Good hunting!
This one’s experiences are as follows:
Lightning Storm, Fairly reliable to damage the enemy a few times and stun them. Will damage your own structures, but not too much, usually.
Call of Dread, Worthless. If the zombies ever do spawn, they are not quick to aggro on the enemy and are basically one shotted. Plus you now have the fog to deal with.
Creeping Darkness, even worse than Call of Dread. Not only does it have absolutely no impact on purge enemies, but it also chokes the area in darkness making targeting with ranged deterrents basically impossible.
Mirror Mark, Worthless. Enemies seem to ignore the illusion.
Wall of Fire, Situational. If you need a very short term patch for a breeched wall, this is one overwrought way to plug it. Generally not worth it, but it can block paths. Just be careful not to cancel your purge.
Honourable mentions.
Detect corruption does not reveal the invisible thieves.
Golems are surprisingly good. They are tough, don’t flinch, and can be built to spew poison all over the place. While not optimal, this is a situation where they can be useful. Just don’t mistake the enemy golems for your golems.
Thank you for such a complete answer .
I pictured myself commanding and army of zombies in the fog and winning the level X purge, but now I know better .
This one had a similar thought. Unfortunately, it did not quite work that well.
That said, Golems are a very solid option for the tower defense aspect.
Whenever you are ready for such an event, just let me know a few days earlier. I want to test as well. As for purge base we have to discuss it together. Lvl 9 and lvl 10 comes with lots and lots difficulties. The best option for a player to win a purge like it is to have a teammate. The sorcerer must be vanquished immediately.
No matter the build, sorcery or not, 4 perks in grit it’s mandatory for me. I survived a meteor hit because of this perk. I landed 30 meters away almost dead, but not dead and glutton of punishment gave me back my hp before i know it.
One thing i wish to try from the beginning is the calvary hits. If there was 3 of us, one should be on horse back hitting and weakening the hoards.
Ballista must be very effective as well. Please let me know, i beg you.
@LostBrythunian, if you are interested, Bernardo is an amazing person, amazing! Join us .
This one’s schedule is a creature of chaos for at least another week. But if opportunity presents, this one will help. If you wish to privately send the server details, this one will look into starting a character and getting them up to functional level.
I will send you details tomorrow night @LostBrythunian
You should know by now, the course of the way things go here.
If you manage to get a spell to defend from a purge…
You can bet your buttocks they’re going to push for a spell to call for a purge.
When that happens, may whatever deity you follow have pity on you.
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