Protecting your coffer

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Any advice here?

I was finally able to run a purge (without the server throwing a fit) at an 8.

Got to the Commander at the end, led him into the base, and beheld as an Explosive Jerk Golem wiped my coffer. Still got the keys, but no cages obviously. I was pretty ecstatic right until that point. :joy:

What do you do to protect yours?

For more info I’ve got a pretty small purge base because I’m on an official server. It’s pretty much open on the inside, outside is a smaller row with a few cauldrons. No labyrinth, just A to B.


Lower your difficulty (take treasure away until you can handle the purge level).

Good thralls, possibly with some buffs, thats about it.

Do fences. Like a friggin line queue at Dragon*Con, or Six Flags. Have it go back and forth, back and forth. Put in a few doors. Not too many doors or they will say eff it and won’t come for your treasure. Archers thralls are pretty effective. I like to use gas arrows. Especially in the queue, because they’ll keep meandering through the same gas clouds. However - gas arrows will not hurt them nearly as bad once you’re purge level is higher than 5 or so.

You might also get them to stack up - pile up - behind a few well placed golems. The golems have a ton of hitpoints. So if you set them up in your queue, they could cause a pretty terrific traffic jam there in your queues.


With Golems, you want to have something away from your coffer for them to attack, any throwaway structure will do. Station a few archers, preferably with star metal arrows, to harass the golems and they will immediately set up on the throwaway structure.

This has been a successful tactic for me.


I don’t have the patience anymore to level a crap ton of thralls anymore so I use golems to protect. Create a zigzag using fences with corridors 2 spaces thick (if it’s one space and a thrall is in that space the purge rejects because it can’t find away around to get to the coffer)

For the bomb golems, what Pugilist said works like a charm but for me, I am running around in front of my purge base with a starmetal weapon trying to take those guys out. I don’t waste my time with most humans because my golems will kill them. the orb throwers, golems, and any star metal folks are my focus.


As mentioned:

Rat Maze.
Poison gas for the living.
Tar cauldrons for slowing the march thru the death field.
Decoy small structures (possibly with a bait thrall in it).
Bring star metal for clearing Golems and kill the explosive golems as far away from the main base as possible.

The general idea is to let the living humanoid attackers walk a congo line of death while the player actively assassinates any meteor mage or explosive golems before they become an issue.


Forgive my English, but which coffer the golem explode, your treasure coffer or the purge chests?

This purge serves multiple reasons of gaming.
Like @LostBrythunian said, from the day i saw the Livestream my mind went to multiple doors and rat maze at once.
But i tried every single method and i have build multiple purge bases, other pretty, other practical.
The only thing i can suggest after all this time, especially on console players is…
1)Do not build close to your house . The game cannot render easily if you accidentally die.
2)Don’t use foundations (until the sunk problem is solved). I place foundations only to the treasury.
3) Don’t fix direct paths, the high lvl purges will be devastating and your climbing skills will save both you and your coffer.
4) Use doorframes without doors. Npcs often stuck on doorframes and they become easy targets.
5) Optional! Use thralls only on cauldrons and in treasury. Kill them all alone, amazing experience!!!


Wow. I’ve not dealt with a purge with exploding golems. :open_mouth:

I have dealt with the star metal meteor attack though. And that’s destroyed the pathing and ended the level 9 prematurely.


Explody Golems are honestly the most dangerous thing.
The meteors stop when the mage dies.

For Bomblems, their death is only the beginning of the trouble.

As always, the more defending thralls you have, the more enemies spawn in a wave.
There is only ever one Meteo Mage screaming for the good of the world at one time.
But the Bomblems can be mass produced. Dozens upon dozens in a wave, and when they go off, if they are near your walls or anything else for that matter, the chain reaction detonations can leave even a strong base dust. Also, if you are too close, get ready for a respawn.

To be entirely honest, the best way to deal with higher end purges isn’t more thralls.
It’s more players.
Enough that the active defense can be maintained while the mages are assassinated and a crew can go off the Bomblems before they get too close.

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Play a bit pve, it’s not this boring anymore. I use to seek excitement on pvp servers like an adrenaline junkie, but in this situation the pvp generally has become speaking about the performance above all, pve is my only settlement. I tried to become a builder as well, this game has really creative building system, but fighting uneven pve fights has become my thing years now.
These purges rock, yet try not to use game breaking options, like star metal weapons on golems :woman_shrugging:t4:.
My most thrilling effort was Abyssal gear only. This mule kick is something else m8, something else. Then again, crushing their skulls with the Abyssal maul is very satisfying :metal:.
On single player you may enjoy it more, these fights need good performance.
(crash them alone :star_struck:).


Lol. There is apparently some disparity between peoples preparedness on dealing with different purges.

The main issue is indeed that the explosions destroy either the path or the coffer, ending the purge prematurely.

(yes, those are all exploding golems)


My purge base minus the cauldrons is inside the Keyhole because of that, but if I don’t kill the Starcaller immediately the server crashes.

@stelagel Actual Treasure Coffer.

@Smoketreader I was running tens previously. Usually I’d get the Brimstone bois, but this was the first time the exploding ones were in tow.

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If I use gas arrows the server crashes, unfortunately.


Omg, you killed the commander the same time the golem crashed your coffer and instead of win you got purge retreat?

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More like he died, heard the boom, turned and saw the loot bag. :joy:

May have been saltier than the sea about it. I got the message they decided to retreat and just picked up the keys and the bag.


Omg, you hit the jackpot :rofl::rofl::rofl:. Amazing story, this game sometimes… This game sometimes…

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If you can get a tier 8+ purge to run and gas arrows crash the game, there is probably something more going on.

That something more may just be that the server is unstable already, the purge pushed it to it’s limits and, as is it’s want, gave it the opportunity to go down like a visually impaired professional pillow warmer in a cucumber field.

This one plays purges like WW1.
Toxic gas and trench runs.

Is the game able to function with the flaming cauldrons? There is an option that uses staggered platforms, spear thralls, door frames ( @stelagel has the truth of it, the purge is often very confused by empty door frames), and basically makes it a series of narrow pointy gauntlets.

Another option that may be available is to build behind natural terrain as much as possible. Largely intact Lemurian ruins are an excellent choice.
Then experiment to find a location where the purge only paths from one location, so you can practice and prepare.


I built mine on an outcropping in the volcano next to a comfortable chair. Purge spawns in and gets burned to death by lava. No thralls, walls etc protecting it, just molten rock.

Oh, look at that. Once again a Conan Exiles game system that was not thoroughly tested. Or even fully thought through. sigh

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I tried that but it just gives me the no place to camp spam.