Limit base building size

I’ve been playing for about a month on ps4, first solo offline and then for the past two weeks I’ve been hooked to the official pvp servers.
I ended up switching servers every 2-4 days because I got fed up by clans making massive landgrabs, blocking off entire areas with all its npcs, dungeons/caves, recipes and so on. I fail to understand what a maximum of 10 people need to have such a vast areas of land for. Most of the time it’s nothing but walls anyways or they put a maze of ground level foundation lines that keeps anyone from even just finding a spot to start out on when you newly join the server. In addition to that, it causes massive lag.
Therefore, please limit the size any base can have. It is very frustrating, to say the least, to put the hours in, build myself a decent base, just to then find out that all pve content in the high level areas (or sometimes even the low level stuff) is blocked off by pointless buildings.
I’m currently uploading a video of an example of such landgrabs. It took me nearly 20!!! minutes to walk around even just a quarter of their build… I will add the video link asap.

Here’s the video link:

Here’s another link of yet another case I came across today after wasting 2 days building my base

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It’s not just on PS4 it’s on all the servers. It is incredible that they even take a place by putting temples, vault, wells etc. It is not a matter of now it has been like that since the first day (testing even). Funcom has been asked to do something but there is no way.


I played on two PvE PS4 servers, 1 week each. On both I had T2 home, but got fed up with the landgrabs you describe. Very hostile environment. I switched over to PC and chose the most empty server I could find. As it turns out it’s not so empty, about 2~6 people excluding myself on almost all the time, but we are all friendly to each other and there’s not a single troll. I love it, you should make the switch too if you can.

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changing the server can be a temporary solution. but funcom has to give a clear and final solution to these abuses

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Can you imagine? A game advertised as build anywhere and any size; A game that features huge castles and siege wars, for funcom to say “Nah you can’t do that, too big?” It would be a bigger stink than “OMG my thralls don’t eat, OMG no mounts, WHEN SCORCERY!” yadda yadda!

I’m just saying building castles and blowing them up was one of the core mechanics that this game was based on. I’m not saying that they are right in their land grabs. I’m just saying it is hard to enforce a vision when there are people who obviously don’t care about the spirit of the game. Removing the freedom would be them going back on their word.

Also, and i know this offers on consolation in the end, but this is one of may ways Alpha’s and over builders kill server populations. The only hope is they get bored (some do not) and just quit after their server no longer attracts new players, then nice people can move back in. Or hope that you get a window of opportunity to bomb the crap out of them.

You are right but the problem is not an immense base. The problem is that players are dedicated to take siege using temples, wells, etc. and do not use them. or they simply dedicate themselves to building structures that they will not use all over the map. anyway the castles of some clans are not normal either, in my old servant a closed clan sepemeru for them alone. You have to see a solution.

The only (somewhat) reasonable solution I can think of is to place an importance on beds. If you do not own a bed in a castle it begins to decay. And like bedrolls you can only have one bed per location (yes you can build multiple beds, but a decay “aura” is attached to unoccupied beds, while a 20-30 foot “no decay” aura is put on occupied beds… and since you can only bind yourself to one bed. Viola!) I honestly thought that was how the decay system was supposed to wrk in the first place (As opposed to log-ins.) That way clans have to spread themselves thin to maintain multiple territories and unoccupied territories are easier to sack. This entropy effect would be on all types of servers, and sure it could be turned off. Im just talking about for official severs here.

When in doubt grab some bombs :relieved::key:

currently only one bed and one mat can be linked per player. it would be a good solution that where the bed or bedding is the decay is normal and where it is not faster avoiding that lis trolls are at home

And we’ll see even more foundations on the map as the griefers will want to connect everything to their main base, so all can share the same decay timer. What looks like a great idea to solve a problem on paper might easily makes it worse once applied.

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I am likeing the direction of this idea. Maybe that also solves the short decay time on officials.
Maybe the decay time should be 7 days, but if a bed is present, then add 3 days, and 3 days for each additional bed per clan mate (bound).
So if a clan has 10 people that share on base as there bed locations, that would be 37 days!!!. If they have 10 bases, each with their own bound beds per clan mate, then they would only be 10 days. This would not include bed rolls. And if a clan has 5 or less players, it is 6 days per bed.
With that said , building size limit should not be the solution.

I say nail @shijirl to a cross for coming up with such an idea.

Back to walling off G10 and maybe 11!

but he is right on paper, it is good but it would cause them to want to unite everything by foundations. I’ve always thought you should see a GM

Here here.

I actually do keep everything inter connected. The OCD wont allow things not to align up.

Now where did i put that spirit level?

No I’m not naive. Trolls are inevitable, which is why I made contingency plans with others on the server.

Why not add something like flags to the game?
You plant a flag and you’re allowed to build within a certain radius of that flag.
But you’re only allowed to create a new flag once a month or so. You’d still be able to build and expand, but it would take a long while before you’d be able to occupy the entire map.

Now that might be a solution : the more you build, all building parts and all kind of placeable and all thralls and pets you own count, the faster your purge meter raise and the higher the purge level is.
Except for this to work the purge mechanism must work perfectly. From what we can read on this forum it isn’t the case yet.


I am not for this. It will severely limit what you can do int he single player game. I can understand private admins limiting the size of a base for frame rate issues. It is something that each individual and the private admins will have to consider.


I am going to possibly host a server of my own if you are on PS4 I forgot if you are as I write this I am considering a server of 20 however if I get enough people whom want to play I may do 40. I planned on dealing with that very type of thing as a Admin I could obviously remove anything that’s just being used to prevent others from having it while not using it. So I’ll make a note of your user name and maybe you could join my PvP server soon. The times will vary. But I can tell you that any changes would be in the message of the day unlike my current admin server host… don’t limit building structures because people are jerks and the admins are apart of the problem.

This would be a solution to the OP comments the fact that purge damaged the structures and removed pets the purge should attack all owned land. Making it progressively harder for clans to own a lot of structures and of apart of a clan of 10 purge should always be at the maximum difficulty thus it would destroy all of this land grabbing.