Limit Foundations and Cornerstone by Players / Guild

No. What I said, quite clearly, is that I built a base for me and 5 other people to live in it, but other people didn’t want to live there, because it’s PVE-C and they wanted to build their own bases. Seriously, dude, you laugh at me because of your own poor reading comprehension?

No, it’s because no matter “how much”, it’s going to be the wrong value, because there’s no “one size fits all” solution. I explained some of the reasons in my replies to you and other reasons in my replies to @Rigel, whose reasonable approach happens to be the only reason I came back to engage with this toxic thread.

There are quite a few absurd things in this thread, but that’s not one of them. You want an example of what is absurd? It’s the fact that you laugh at people because you don’t understand what they said.

“Honeycombing” does not refer to producing honey, it’s a building tactic on PVP in which people add many redundant walls and fence foundations in order to make their base harder to breach. The name comes from the fact that a base built that way resembles the honeycomb structure of a beehive.

And then you say you’re not insulting?

You wouldn’t have to say that if you knew how to read. @Kapoteeni explained very clearly that he plays in single-player mode, where he doesn’t bother anyone, but you ignored that part because you couldn’t wait to attack him personally.

In case it wasn’t clear to you, the reason people think you’re toxic is not only because you insist that your own solution is good enough without addressing any of the counterarguments (except to repeat your initial assertions), but also because you mock and laugh at other people and attack them with ad hominems and assumptions, and then insist that you’re not being insulting or spoiled.


ok I think at this point is it enough and before it goes more in personal attacks I closed this one