Hello, fellow players!
I’m looking for ideas on where to start an endgame base on Isle of Siptah.
The criteria I’m looking for are…
- outside the maelstrom,
- interesting purges with potential thralls, e. g. Cimmerians,
- bug resistance, i. e. no purges that spawn under the mesh or in the base,
- lots of space,
- scenic landscape and
- easy to reach adventure locations.
What did I look at so far?
- First base was on the island in H7. Built a huge lighthouse there, but was lacking space. As the patch transformed that sea into an inland lake, the base made little sense, so I demolished it.
- Second base is on Eye of Ekim in K7. Lots of space, relatively central, but purge spawns inside the base and under the mesh.
- Currently looking at the northern areas to get Cimmerian purges. There’s a nice spot on I11 just below the Asylum of the Outsiders. Lots of space, nearby Cimmerian camp, but inside maelstrom. I play in single player, so I can turn off maelstrom damage, but that’s feels like cheating.
- There’s another platform base location in G12, the little green spot near the coast. Should get Cimmerian purges, but looks a bit small though and is far away from anything interesting.
What are you opinions? Has anybody tried a base in the new lands in the south? Do you know what purges spawn in the south?