Tired of playing on servers that just disappear so I have decided to start my own server. I am going for a PVE, no purge, relaxed building server. I have read for two days and believe I got this right. Any help from the pros or mod creators would be much appreciated. This is my first time modding a server myself, and I tried to be prepared coming in here.
Aquilian Passion Body
RA Character Customization
Barbarian Barber
Immersive Armor
Better Thralls
Kerozards Paragon 300
Age of Calamitous
Age of Calamitous RP
Kerozards Smooth Leveling
Improved Quality of Life
Less Building Placement Restrictions
Litman Item Stack & Container Size Recompiled
UI Hosav
Not sure about the Litman Item Stack and PICKUP+ mods. May be better ones and I am open to suggestions.
Again, any help would be greatly appreciated.
I tired to go by Multigun’s Mod order. I did my best.
Likewise - I’m not seeing anything that rings bells as leading to conflicts. The fact that you went by Multigun’s order should stand you in good stead - I’ve always found it works for me (the fact that you read Multigun’s mod order puts you a long way ahead of some ).
One thought of a possibility to watch out for - and I’m just guessing here - the introduction of the new ‘building piece pick-up’ system to the core game in 2.6 (coming soontm) might cause a temporary issue with the various ‘pick-up’ type mods (or it might just mean you get two different pick-up options on the wheel…). I shouldn’t imagine it would be a problem for long, even if it does arise, but just might be something to keep an eye out for in the short term.
One add note, always test it on Single Play first to ensure its working correctly. That way, you avoid the extra hassle on setting up the server and making changes and fixes.
Thank you Sir.Henry.Vale and DanQuixote for the replies. I appreciate you taking the time to check out this mod order and giving me advice.
One last question. Am I missing anything that you would not play without? A must have mod I may have missed?
I believe I am about done, and plan on loading up in single player like you said Sir.Henry.Vale. to make sure things go well.
Some other mods I looked at was Glass Constructions and more…, Northern Timber, Warrior Mutator, and Shadows of Skelos. Would you recommend any of these. Im big on building, but also dont want to over do it on mods.
I’ve used Glass Constructions and More a while back and Northern Timber a couple of times - both are great from a building perspective (and Shadows of Skelos looks great, I’ve just never quite got round to it - precisely the same worry you have - not wanting to overdo it ). I suspect that you will have plenty of building and decoration stuff with Emberlight and AoC etc, so you probably don’t need additional, unless you particularly want some of the things those mods offer.
Worth noting one thing I’ve just remembered - I think Emberlight actually does adjust some of the more important stack sizes - so you may not actually need Litman Item Stack as well, unless you specifically want the numbers it gives. (As I understand it, in your current order, Litman Item Stack should override that element of Emberlight, so you should get the stacks and container sizes from Litman rather than Emberlight currently.)
Another decoration mod I’ve enjoyed is Savage Steel - I particularly love it for so much variety of containers that work, sacks, barrels, jugs and jars, bundles of sticks, wood piles - though you may get some nice alternatives on some of those from some of the other mods you’re already using (and AoC definitely adds some good storage chests).
A mod that I consider essential for me - but you might not like or need at all - is Pythagoras Support Beams - if you can get the hang of them, not only can you build structures that span wider areas between walls or pillars, but you can also use them to introduce additional snap points for, eg, snapping pillars onto the corners of foundations, which can allow for some nice building effects. (Alternatively - I believe Glass Constructions also has its own version of support beams, though I did find them more difficult (but that might just be me), plus it has the excellent ‘pillar snap-point’ pieces that slot into a foundation (or wedge) and give you snap points at all corners and middles of sides in one go, without the fiddling you sometimes have to do with the support beams - difference is in the size of the mod - Pythagoras support beams is very small, whereas GCam isn’t…) (Note - Pythagoras Support Beams is a separate mod from the main Pythagoras mod.)
I hope there’s something useful in here. But above all, I hope you have a lot of fun with all the mods you choose to go with
I have a ton of cool building mods. Roughly half of the mods I use are bulding/placeables mods which gives the player lots of freedom of ideas. The more you have, will slow down to log in time so keep that in mind. I have 48 at the moment so quite familiar with the concept.
(I would like your post, but apparently I’m not allowed to for another 8 hours, lol)
Great advice there at the end
And a really nice mod list - there’s a few I’m going to have to check out for next time.
Is Thrall Sidekick still working ok for you? Last time I was using it I kept getting a bunch of crashes that stopped when I removed it, so I figured it was now out-dated, but it would be nice to have it back as an option if it’s still going
It still working currently although its on the list of keep an eye on. The Archery is another I am keeping an eye on since that will not be updated so that breaks… that will be removed immediately.
Both mods were requested by my player base which is why I have them.
Thanks - that’s good to know. I’ll have to try having a play with the mod order - see if I can figure something out from yours - maybe I’ve got some minor conflict somewhere the way I had them. (Or maybe my machine is just less stable, lol.)
@BuzRok, @DanQuixote and @Sir.Henry.Vale both have offered you great advice and are probably a LOT more knowledgeable than I in regards to mods. I did however, want to mention one thing, hopefully without being the naysayer in the room…
Be very careful when selecting ‘building mods’ for a server. I would double check that they have a discord with an active community and that the particular mod is currently being maintained. Modders may sometimes choose to abandon a project in favor of something else, or even just have life get too complicated for them to properly maintain it.
If you start building with an abandoned mod (or it gets abandoned in the future), and along comes an update (like 2.6), you may find that the mod breaks. This could condemn all the buildings on the server that were built with that mod with no way to fix it. You may inadvertently find yourself in the same boat without the proverbial paddles, and be forced to wipe (no pun intended), just like the servers you’re trying to avoid.
With all of the above aside, nothing on your list stands out to me as being in conflict. Just make sure to test it thoroughly as Sir.Henry.Vale suggested.
This is certainly a valid point (though, as I understand it, the situation is significantly improved now by changes put in place a couple of patches back to help keep mods need less updating and work together better) - and arguably it can also apply to many other mod types (a stack size mod that breaks could overflow chests, for example).
For me (and I believe, from what he has said, for @Sir.Henry.Vale) there is a certain acceptance of that in using mods - there is a possibility of a fatal breakdown, and I believe mod-users need to accept that the risk exists. That said, I’ve never had anything break to the extent of breaking a game - the nearest I got was a relatively brief period where I didn’t want to log back into my old game because I knew Multigun hadn’t had time to update Limestone Buildings (because there were higher priorities - this was during the so-called ‘mod-pocalypse’ - which was actually largely about the changeover to the new, more stable system), but he got there once he did have the time. So while I believe the risk should be understood and accepted, I’d also say it’s relatively low At least so long as you go for mods that seem fairly active, or are aware of and keep an eye on your potential trouble mods, as Sir Henry suggested earlier
Having any mod is a risk. They may break and may be or may not be fixed. With Active mod authors, that risk is minimal, but your server could be down for a few days. Or a mod(s) would have to removed like Absolute Glass Buildings when it wasn’t fixed due to the mod author was not available. Now the mod author has returned, he is re-creating the mod for players/admins who were interested in his mod.
The more mods you have, the higher the risk of issues of course. I am willing to work with those issues, so I accept the higher risk and more work related to it.
Side note, today’s patch apparently did not break any of my mods (only 2 were updated so far and the servers are up)
No, I have skipped those at this time, since they changed the base game too much for high end / hardcore players. I wanted to keep some of the base game baseline intact for many of my casual type players. I had thoughts of adding it eventually.
Great mod compilation. I’ve been looking for such a server for a long time, but without AOC and EEWA – it’s like half a conan for me. Love greetings and pity
@DanQuixote - I am going to give that Pythagoras Support Beam a try. Right up my alley! Bigger rooms is always a plus. Plenty of useful things in there. I will have a blast and thank you. @Sir.Henry.Vale - Whoa! That’s one heck of a mod list. But looking through them, that camera mod caught my eye. Gonna throw it in as well. @DaVice - Yeah, its one of the risk to play such awesome mods. Hopefully keeping towards active mod creators content, will curb the chance of that happening. But it is a chance I am willing to take.
Good news, everything works great in SP. I did have RockNose noises happening when I punched and kicked, but I fixed it by changing my voice at the vanity.
I really appreciate all the awesome advice! I have picked up Pythagoras Support Beams and Greater Camera. I’m gonna go have some fun!
One minor thought for the short term - if you find things get a little unstable at the moment, it may not be a mod-order problem or anything like that - with the update having just come out, there may be a few mods that need updates (I’ve had a few crashes in singleplayer that resolved when I removed the mods list - as has at least one other player) - I haven’t had time yet to go through and check which is having the actual issue, but I’m confident it’ll be found and fixed pretty quick (these modders are great ).
If you’re worried about the possibility and want to check for yourself if you’re getting the same issue - I crashed consistently each time I tried to set my Greater Bear to ‘guarding’, and the other player that reported the same issue crashed each time he tried to place his Greater Wolf on guard. It seems like it should be an easy one to reproduce. Should be fine either way (and I haven’t yet seen any comments of the same from modded server users - so you may not get the issue anyway), but I thought it was a good idea to mention
I hope you have lots of fun with your new server (And if you get stuck with the Pythagoras beams, please feel free to ask and I’ll try to help any way I can.)
(Edit: And reading further on the forum - it sounds like the placing followers issue may already have been fixed - like I said, these modders are great )
Actually that is exactly what happened. Everything was going smooth until I downloaded the new dlc update that I had no clue about! After that I constantly keep getting fatal error on loading in.
I am going to check it after work today, and see how it does. Figure I’d leave it alone to see if updated mods will fix it before I start pulling mods.
Some of the discord’s of servers I played on advice was to go do something else for three days!
Seems like solid advice to allow modders a chance to fix things!