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The Shining Trapezohedron is one of the relics necessary for the creation of the Keystone.
However, there’s more going on here than that and it raises several questions.
The official item description says it was held by the serpent-men and kept in the Well of Skelos. This much is true, but let’s dive a bit deeper in.
The description opens with a quote from The Haunter of the Dark, which reads;
“Ones brought it to earth. It was treasured and placed in its curious box by the crinoid things of Antarctica, salvaged from their ruins by the serpent-men of Valusia,”
Take note of my inclusion of a comma, that’s because the in-game quote cuts off right before the rest of it. The full quote reads;
“Ones brought it to earth. It was treasured and placed in its curious box by the crinoid things of Antarctica, salvaged from their ruins by the serpent-men of Valusia, and peered at aeons later in Lemuria by the first human beings. It crossed strange lands and stranger seas, and sank with Atlantis before a Minoan fisher meshed it in his net and sold it to swarthy merchants from nighted Khem.”
This means it was held by the Lemurians before the Cataclysm. Meaning it was them that brought it to the Exiled Lands, not the Serpent-men. This would partially solve the mystery of how it got here in the first place, and why it was present at the forming of the bracelets.
How and when did the serpent-men come to posess it again? Why is this bit of history omitted from the official source? We can rule out unreliable narrator as it’s alluded to this knowledge being a vision granted by the omniscient relic.
What do we think is the greater story behind this? Personally I’m trying to do more research on the whole thing, as Nyarlathotep plays such a major role in both maps and the Shining Trapezohedron houses an avatar of the god, which the game suggests is now inhabiting the Staff of the Triumvirate.
I don’t want to rule it out as a plot hole, it’s unlikely they’d intentionally cut off the quote and hope nobody noticed, there has to be a bigger mystery behind it. Anything I missed or misread absolutely let me know so we can get to the bottom of this
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