[LORE]: Why is the Shining Trapezohedron in the Volcano?

Envision a neural matrix that could recapture his engrams and make Howard into an android. Considering his desires to remain timely and to enjoy collaboration, once Android Howard gets caught up on history and Sci Fi, what is his conception of The Exiled Lands?

I have an idea what he’d think, and how he’d be likely honored by the faith in CE’s lore scripting.


It’s a tragedy both died young, and it robbed us of the chance to enjoy more of their work. Buuuuuut, there are two big caveats:

  • In current times, REH would have little chance to get his work published, I assume. His stories would be seen as racist, sexist and amoral - unpublishable in the current climate.
  • Given more time, they might also have f’ed up their great ideas. Game of Thrones, Seasons 7 and 8 anyone? If everybody on that show had died in a terrible plane crash after season 6, it would have been remembered as the greatest TV show of the decade. Star Wars, Terminator, Star Trek, The Simpsons - they all suffer from having been too successful and running too long, milked for every last penny. Imagine Conan travelling through time to work as a race car driver for a season, than returning back to his original time after bad ratings for the racing season, but reborn as a bisexual woman (cause that’s huge with the target demographic, man!) and partnered with a cute, big-eyed computer-generated cat-thingy that can make people fall asleep (too much violence last season - angry letters from parents), … No, sometimes, an early end has its merits.

Both lived miserable lives, though. Hard not to feel with them.

P. S.:
Firefly shouldn’t have been cancelled though. F’ing shame.


Do not confuse the artifact from the Tower of Siptah and the Lemurian Trapezohedron. These are different things.

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