Lost ALL thralls on Siptah PVE 6442 to decay

VocĂȘ tem personagens com bases em todos esses servidores?.. Ainda consegue jogar em todos ou Ă© uma coleção que estĂĄ fazendo? Por que isso? :sweat_smile: :thinking:

Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Isle of Siptah
Server Name: Official 6010
Mods: None

Character: Margi
Clan: Nidhogg
Server: 6010 PVE official

Server: Official server #6008 PvE Conflict
Map: isle of siptah
Clan: SSJ
Character Name: Angelsoulbadgirl

All thralls disapeared wen decay was activated, no reason for them to disapear since i was regular on server

plz fix it, i will not play anymore if i dont get the thralls back, took a lot of work to get them and for them to dissapear like this its unacceptable!

same error
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Isle of Siptah
Server Name: Official 6449
Mods: None

Character: ć„œæČčć–”é…ćŁèŒ¶
Clan: ç« é­šć€©ć ‚ćœ’
Server: 6449 PVE

There is special enjoyment when you re start your journey from the scratch in this game again and again.
Im playing this game for 4 years and still like it. :sunglasses:

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6455— character name= HEI
6057— character name=HEI
6454— character name=HEI
6423— character name=Grivene

No clan in all

Greetings Exiles,

I have gathered and shared this information with the development team so they can investigate it.

Thank you for your assistance!

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Any news ?

is there by chance any update on this? :slight_smile:

They are waiting that you forget it


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The issue is that the more we are waittng it will be harder to rollback !!! :sob: :sob: :sob:

Given that it’s been over a week since they just casually deleted thousands of hours of player work I think it’s safe to say there will be no rollback. But hey, at least they are investigating it! Who knows, we may even get a double harvest day to make up for it, oh wow!

Exactly @hei . Not sure what to do now , play and loose all work again if there would be rollback , or not play

Hi there, hoping you can provide an update of some kind? :slight_smile:

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Our apologies for the delay in replying to this issue!

We’ve been submitting the information provided by our players to our dedicated team and they have been investigating it in order to reach a conclusion as soon as possible :slight_smile:

We thank you for your patience and understanding regarding this matter!

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Hello @HighSaint & @ZahMaiatt! I hope your both well. I think it’s fair to say that Siptah Official Servers did indeed experience some kind of bug in which case Thralls decayed upon players logging in after a long hiatus.

I myself didn’t experience this. I am speaking for a number of players on Official Siptah Server #6436 PvE. We have an awesome community here. I help Admin a Discord for the server. I can tell you from my own knowledge of the server and player base, that at least 9 clans lost all of their followers. 1 of which had 200 followers.

Now, I am not advocating for a server rollback (it’s been way too long since Siptah started experiencing this), but I would like to see a “Thrall Experience Increase Event” (not player XP, Thrall XP). x2 Thrall XP Event for all Siptah Officials would be a good start.

I have managed to give 6 of the clans hope and they haven’t uninstalled yet. Some of them have chosen a complete fresh restart, some have joined other clans, some have started leveling new thralls and some are waiting. Regardless, I think a “Thrall XP Modifier Event” would be ideal for those still hopeful players.

From a financial standpoint, I think it would be a positive decision.

Thank you for your time.

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I am one of the clans that were effected on this server. I would love a thrall leveling event. Thank you Voc41 for bringing light to this and supporting all of us during this unfortunate server issue.

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Ok thank you, fingers crossed for a good solution soon! :slight_smile:

still hoping for a good outcome on this :slight_smile:

they havent solved this over a month? wtf?

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