Lost inventory buildings and thralls

Tried isle of siptah. Solo/coop/offline.
Every time i log off and log in, my inventory, buildings and thralls are missing or missing inventory. The last time i logged in I got to play in the skin of one of my thralls (all weapins and itema gone) And the thrall whos body i seemed to possess was back in the wheel of pain with zero progress… Switched back to playing the exiled lands instead. Hours of building and gathering materials was gone next time i logged in… I had the same issues the first time around when the game was released and gave up on it. Anyone else having these issues?


Welcome to the Forum send a ticket to Zendesk information in introduction pages. Having problems on private and official servers myself. Good luck my friend

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Every time you log in you have to connect on Funcom live services even if you don’t play online. It happened to me on the past to play offline through update times and I lost a great building, over 50k pieces that I was working a week earlier.
Another reason could be, playing in your console without internet at all, this can cause issues because maybe you have lost updates of the game or the console, but it’s better to follow the path @sestus2009 suggested.

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